Discussion: Corker Says He'll Support Final Tax Overhaul Bill Despite Initial Opposition

Exit stage right, Snagglepussy. you are a real hard ass right up to the final vote Then you fold like a Robert Hall suit.

Just wanted some attention?
Just as much of a liar, crook, con, corrupt as the rest of the Republican lawmakers.
He just wanted the spotlight for a while longer - gawd, they are all just as bad, corrupt as Trump. Every one of them!
How much money is he getting for his vote?

Well, we knew it that you will all follow suit and follow the dear leader no matter how much you hate him. Party before country.

As predicted, they all roll over. No surprise.

So, I posted this 22 hours ago…

Welp. Quite a dramatic shift in the last 22 hours it seems. :angry: I’m glad I have kept breathing :rage: :imp: :rage:

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In other words, “All my post Senate rightwing welfare job offers were drying up.”

If you want live like a Republican vote Democrat. If you want to live like a Democrat, vote Republican.

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Laurence O’Donnell just suggested that Corker (Foreign Relations Committee) may be hoping to get Secretary of State if Tillerson is booted. That’s the best explanation I’ve heard for Corker’s sudden change on this bill.

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I want media outlets to explain to us all the ways past tax cuts have made us domesticly more productive - ever
show us all the companies that hired thousands of middle class paying jobs in america due to tax cuts

Of course he’s going to support it! The reason is perfectly clear! He’s going to primary trump in two years!

watch who he goes to work for next - you’ll have his motive

[quote=“gusfabriani, post:40, topic:66415”]
he worthless GOP is simply starving the government to death,
[/quote] and yet managing to grow enormously fat on it themsleves - how that work?

Cheap little fucking fop struts the stage and milks it for all its worth before betraying Americans everwhere…step in a manhole you duplicitous fraud.

Corker: For 2020, I have moderates and now I have Trump supporters and people think I am the only Fiscal Conservative in Amerikkka.

Note that Corker does not inlude professional economists including those at CBO in the “many conversations” he claims to have had: He doesn’t want evidence and competent analysis any more than any of his colleagues; there are no, repeat no ‘moderate Republicans’ full stop.

If he had talked to someone genuinely competent* to comment on the subject he would have been told there is no evidence that tax cuts improve business productivity or competitiveness and his statement that this wretched excuse of a bill is a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to make U.S. businesses domestically more productive and internationally more competitive” is simply bullshit; just another talking point, bereft of real content.

*like a Nobel Prize winner in international trade theory

Well, Bob. It must be nice to be able to make "a bet on our country’s enterprising spirit, and that is a bet I am willing to make” when you are using everyone else’s money. Especially when that bet will automatically enrich your already wealthy ass no matter what it does to the country and its citizens.
This is MY Senator, folks! He’s just a good as my other GOP Senator, the fucking “moderate” Mr. Lamar Alexander. I wish I could be given the opportunity to “moderately” kick these media-labeled “moderates” in their “moderately” raisin-sized balls. Oh, and if the Secret Service is watching, come and get me, fuckers. At least in prison I can get my food and healthcare paid for. And I also posed for a picture with a phony severed head of Donald Trump, just like Kathy Griffin, who is beginning to look more like a combination of Joan of Arc and Eleanor Roosevelt with every passing day.
Trump and the GOP are lucky they aren’t living in France during the late 18th Century. They would be in tumbrels and wheeled to the guillotines in the public square. And yes, I hope they all die horrible, painful deaths. After all, I only think people should get what they absolutely deserve, kind of like the GOP feelings toward the American public in this legislative atrocity they are gleefully voting for.

I want to shrink the Republican Party to a size so small I can drown it in a thimble full of water. And I’ll find a way to squeeze Grover in there, too.

In the end, Corker is as corrupt and crooked as the rest of them - the definition of a Republican lawmaker - liar, crooked, corrupt, will do whatever to get money for themselves.
The Republican party needs to collapse - these lawmakers are that corrupt - every single one of them.

I know this is supposed to be about Bob Corker, but since all of these GOP pricks are heartless, bloodthirsty motherfuckers, I may as well scream about the one who deserves to finally be called out no matter what kind of suffering he is going through, because I sure as hell never saw him try to help anyone who was suffering with any of the legislative achievements he ever supported.
Is it OK now if I don’t have any sympathy for that motherfucker John McCain? Can I now save any sympathy for the people who suffer from the same kind of ailment he has and can’t even afford to get a fucking Tylenol to alleviate a little of the pain because they don’t have any healthcare and won’t be able to get any because of John McCain and the rest of these wife-beating, puppy-fucking, baby-eating, craven GOP motherfuckers taking it away? Can the media finally admit that after the S & L scandal of the 1980s, McCain shouldn’t have even been able to get a job pumping ethyl at a Sunoco station in Flagstaff?
To hell with McCain and Cochrane and Mo Brooks and all the rest. I have about as much sympathy for them, no matter what their infirmities are, as I do for a serial rapist who thinks his crimes should be excused because he sends a dozen roses and a box of chocolates to his grandmother every year on her birthday.

Rubio and Corker are backing the bill as a prelude to announcing their 2020 campaigns for president. They don’t see Trump being around to run for reelection, and they don’t think Pence is much of a threat.

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