Discussion: Marco Rubio: 'I'm A No' On Tax Bill Unless Child Tax Credit Expanded

Welcome to the world according to the GOP. Far as they’re concerned, all is right with the world, when there is no one to stop them.


Also no attempt for bipartisan support and no expert public input or tax lawyers to try to find unintentional consequences. Go figure.


We constantly berate these people (properly) for being spineless and self-interested. We just had a pretty significant electoral event. It would be wrong to think it had no effect on them.


Yeah, it’s a Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer story, just in time for Xmas.

Unless this is his move for 2020

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That’s my thinking. I’ve been told I’m wrong but I really believe they were capable of reading the signs from last Tuesday night as well as we were.

It was Alabama for all love. They know that.


My Asshole Senator Portman (who is on the Conference Committee) heard from me via e-mail today. I wasn’t very nice:

If this abortion represents a victory for the American people, it will be a Pyrrhic victory. They did teach you about those at Dartmouth (or Michigan), didn’t they?

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Doesn’t Marco have to show up to work in order to vote “no”? LOL …

I just read that Rand Paul is a no. So two are already at no -Paul and Corker. Only one more no and it is done.


I love this so much. hahahahaha


As long as PP has another golf partner this weekend, that’ll hold.


Well he’s going to need more than one - Rand Paul is out.

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He’s been Vulcanized … there is a difference.

He talks a good game then he gets this vacant zombie stare and spouts the GOP line. He can mask his subhumanity better than most but at heart he is a Reptilian whore.

It’s not just Rubio. This is probably a manufactured and preauthorized stunt to publicize a minor “compromise”, just like the GOP House leadership did with the “MacArthur amendment” re preexisting conditions in their healthcare bill earlier this year. Worked great, really drove the closing narrative. Look for the press reports next week explaining in bold carefully-balanced detail how these tax cuts for the wealthy now include an improved break for the noble working poor. Here’s thirty grafs explaining just how those tax credits work, just never you mind about those pass-through businesses.

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So I wasn’t following the development earlier today and am catching up now, do I get this right?

AL = we won.
Corker = no.
Rand = posing a no.
Rubio = needy.
Lee = undecided.
Collins = undecided.
Flake = had some demands and not getting them.
McCain = hospitalized.
Cochran = hospitalized.

Is this where we are at this point? If this is the current state of things that’d sound like quite a dramatic shift in the last 24 hours… though given the history those morons always fall in line in the end I’m not yet ready to hold my breath…


OT: Looks like nice poll results were out today. Full results here.

:joy: :joy: :joy: below.



I hope this so-called: “Child Tax Credit expansion” proposal isn’t a ploy to continue allowing illegal aliens to collect the Child Tax credit using their children’s social security number’s rather than their working parent’s? IIf true, this would reprsent the opening salvo of a new conspiracy by the Gang of 8 to use Pres. Trump’s Tax Cut inititive to force incentives for illegal aliens.

And another politician jumping ship .

I don’t think for one nanosecond that the Republicans believe the shit they’re selling; they simply don’t give a damn about anyone who doesn’t belong to their Tribe. They’ve got theirs, they’ll continue taking care of themselves and their major donors, and will gladly fuck the rest of us. They won’t even leave us any crumbs. They are not True Believers; they know what they’re peddling is bullshit. What they are is supremely selfish, vicious and greedy.

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Are you kidding me? Rubio will fold up like a card table or the Minnesota Vikings…whichever one’s in the playoffs.

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