Discussion: Corey Stewart Spewed Racist Stereotypes About Football Players

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Reading this one can certainly feel Trump’s self-proclaimed “Red Wave” building momentum… in some alternate reality.


We need to have our children look up to real role models.


uh, you know,

I do. Go ahead. Say it. Worked for David Duke.


Obviously he’s projecting. How long until we find out that Stewart coerced his mistress into having an abortion, or before Cub Scouts come forward to show us on the doll where the bad man touched them at Jamboree?


In response to CNN’s request for comment, Stewart said: “It’s unsurprising that while Americans and Donald Trump are working to re-establish the rule of law and rebuild civil society in America, CNN once again flies off the handle and tries to make everything about race in order to keep Americans divided.”


Meanwhile White police officers who feel entitled to kill Black men women and children for no particular reason are the role models Stewart prefers. Eff him with the horse he rode in on.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Grandma is beating off the Indians.

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Notice he doesn’t have a clue what the NFL players are actually protesting. Like Trump he is trying to turn a legitimate protest into an attack on our troops and the flag. I would have more respect for him if he at least realized that excessive police violence is the issue.

The fact is he doesn’t mind police serving his white community while they are occupying the black community. In his mind the police are doing exactly what he wants them to do.


"Stewart said: “It’s unsurprising that while Americans and Donald Trump are working to re-establish the rule of law and rebuild civil society in America, CNN once again flies off the handle and tries to make everything about race in order to keep Americans divided.”

Please give me examples of how 45* is rebuilding a civil society.


These are not people that we should have our sons, or any of our children look up to. We need to have our children look up to real role models.

As the father of a teen-age boy, I have specifically used Donald Trump as an example of how not to be a man – an anti-role model. And my son enthusiastically agreed.


I am assuming that Trump supports Stewart. They talk alike, they have the same speech pattern, and their views on POC seem to mesh.

Can no one in the Republican party speak in short declarative sentences?

Here’s my Friday’s song dedication to the Trumps and Stewarts.

"…they’ve got, you know, children all over the place that they don’t pay attention to, don’t father, with many different women, they are womanizers. These are not people that we should have our sons, or any of our children look up to. We need to have our children look up to real role models.”

Wait, when did he switch and start talking about Trump?!

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He seems nice. Hope he gets his ass kicked in November.

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“A lot of these guys, I mean, they’re thugs, they are beating up their girlfriends and their wives,”
You mean like Rob Porter, Bill O’Rielly and Donald J. Trump.


Is that not The Dumpster. Seem to recall a comment from Trump that he leaves the children to their mother…


What? A standup guy like Corey? No way! I’m shocked, just shocked I tell you!

He’s toast in Virginia , I only hope he can drag his whole party down with him on election day


Articulate, tho…

Anybody know what CoreyStewart said about the Hollywood Access tapes?