Discussion: Corbett Won't Appeal Court Decision Striking Down Penn. Voter ID Law

My fellow Pennsylvanians, mind your ABCs at electuion time: Anybody But Corbett.

The really sad part. This time around a warm body could beat him. That unfortunately is what the Dems put up against him the first time. Thank goodness this is not the case now, but given the damage this man has done across the state, a viable candidate would have been nice back then.

But, I’m a firm believer that what goes around comes around. Tommy-Boy is getting his now for all the damage he has caused in his political life.

The primary is about a week and a half away…Tues., 5/20. On the 21st the fight to take back the governor’s office begins! GOTV!!! Let’s send a message, hostage taking in over!

Voter ID laws are the brainchild of self-serving conservative politicians who foment fear about phantom voter fraud … in order to implement state legislation and district voting protocols designed to selectively deter specific demographic groups from participating in the election process.