Discussion: Cop Who Sought Teen Erection Warrant Kills Himself Facing Sex Crimes Arrest

Why is it that these moral crusaders always turn out to be people with their own sexual hang-ups (or more major sexual or criminal issues).


Hoooleeee shit. I remember this case. Turns out where there was smoke there was fire.

So while it turns out there was a reason he was so zealous about forcing an unwilling minor to undergo sexual molestation on camera (and technically in the capacity of the “victim” of his self-committed crime—think through THAT precedent and try not to retch) nobody else in his entire department or the DA’s office was like, “Uh, dude, this is getting weird af, what the hell is up?”


Investigating teenage “sexting”? Holy shit! And lose one’s life over it? Ultimate absurdity.

Obviously what he was doing was wrong and needed to stop, but, having known many folks that committed suicide, its sad some folks are so over whelmed that they feel the only answer is to take their own life.

“Evidently the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun,
is a pedophile with a gun.”

–Wayne LaPierre

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So was this guy a married with kids Republican? That’s what the profilers of such crimes all want to know.

This is one of those very rare cases where the good guy with the gun actually did kill the bad guy with the gun.

Abbott sought a warrant to photograph the teen suspect's penis -- after inducing an erection via a medical injection --...

Anyone know anything about this “medical injection”? I’m asking for a friend.

My theory is that a lot of the cops who work on these task forces do so in order to have a “legitimate” reason to look at child porn all day and get paid for it.


I’ve gotta wonder if this was exactly when some of his co-workers realized there was something wrong with this picture, so to speak.

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pun-groaning here…

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…so your body has been declared invalid…

I know the feeling…

So that’s what the kids are calling it these days.

I agree with you awould…Hey…where’d ya get that avatar?

Anyone who wants the job is suspect. Kind of like running for the GOP presidential nomination.

Why do bad cops tend to be cowards? Death before having to meet Bubba?

It’s actually my daughter, getting fitted for a helmet when she was a baby with a misshaped head! Now she’s a 5 year old kid with a normal shaped head :smile:

Screen these guys EVERY time they apply to any department, and screen them again every so often.

it actually says the boner would be chemically induced, if that’s what you mean.

Pedo priests, coaches, scoutmasters aren’t in those professions by accident. Guy that all my friends and I growing up knew to be a pedophile was both a deputy sheriff and a (horrible) coach.