Discussion for article #235868
For far too long, black males in these incidents have been denigrated, and their criminal history, such as it was, became the excuse for their deaths.
It’s about time someone looks into those policemen involved in these recurring murders.
But the scrutiny has to be directed at the higher-ups as well.
Here’s the cop’s photo:
“I think…he did it to himself.”
Maybe the Baltimore cops should get some counselling from the torture freaks of the APA.
Sounds like someone who shouldn’t be a cop (much like the guy who shot Tamir Rice).
If it weren’t for the shattered larynx, severed spinal, conscious neglect, and consequent death, and the riots, destruction of private and public property, and injuries to quite a few peope, this plus the efforts by so many to concoct various alibis and cover up the truth would constitute comic turns.
As it is, it’s a book - hopefully by or with Jayne Miller.
American Exceptionlism = Human Rights Abuse cases.The Police Forces in America are unprofessional and has turn this country in to a joke for the world to see.
Cops Gone Wild continues. We have to really change our hiring practices, or take away their guns.
Years ago, I was involved in screening police candidates. that’s where I became aware that police departments have lots of people they know aren’t great fits for police work. And it has nothing to do with unions. It has to do with having little control over when they can hire (mayors and city councils do) and who is in the candidate pool when they can hire (slim pickings when they can hire). The culture of police work, absent civil service and union rules still seems to keep bad apples as long as they don’t create problems–kindof like junior high school. Ever place I’ve ever lived has had problems with sheriff’s departments (and usually the sherriff) which often have much more patronage. The cop in Ferguson had previously serviced on a dysfunctional force in another suburb. The guy in the Cleveland shooting left a suburban force with some question s over his head. A high school classmate of mine was fired from a suburban Cleveland police force, which demonstrates that it can be done, but it required a councilman who ultimately became the city’s law director. Most people don’t have that kind of knowledge of the law or political leverage, but that case illustrates the importance of influencing the political system to disrupt the culture that keeps incompetent cops on the job.
Loose cannon.
“any issues similar to this had nothing to do with his ability to perform his duties as a Baltimore police officer.”
Apparently. Not.
I’m just glad the poor fellow got his shootin irons back…
If the guy being arrested had been the one with the vague mental health history, everyone would be saying “of course he was dangerous, the police were right to use force.”