Discussion: Cop Pulls Over Man For Playing N.W.A.'s 'F*ck Tha Police'

No disrespect to any of us who are overweight…Including me, but I’d like to see Garzon do one push up…

I’ll wager that the only part of him that is buff is his trigger finger…


I guess i’ll say it again…Florida…

Garzon looks like he ate all the food that was meant for the homeless… You know… the ones that can’t be fed in public any longer…

Sorry Teen, That was intended to be a general reply and not a reply to your comment.

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Noise control/pollution ordinances and their enforecemnt aren’t always bad. I used to volunteer at an arbortion clinic where a protestor would stand outside with a bullhorn and say (over and over) “Mommy, please don’t kill me!”, etc. Finally the clinic filed a complaint and had a cop come out with a decibel meter and cite her for breaking zoning regulations. :smiley:

This guy was just being an authoritarian douche, though. I’m another Floridian who is extremely nervous around cops here.

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Since 9/11 cops have been told that they are the heroes of all heroes and they are above reproach. Anyone who does not bow and scrape in there presence is a low life scumbag who needs to move to another country.


Cesnna, You are right. Post 9/11 we have lost a lot of our rights and freedoms and the police are much more emboldened.

Today a local sherif’s deputy ran a red light (not on any call) and crashed into a car going through on the green… He did not get a ticket or a reprimand…and the news story made a point of saying that the driver going through the green light was not ticketed either…

After 9/11 I would tell my friends that the terrorists succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. That is true…Look where we are…Still…

Note to self: tell kids not to play the subject song within earshot of the police; would not want one of them to suffer a choke hold, or be singled out for whatever tickets the officer knows will stick–the judge has his back, right or wrong. I think our law student will now learn that lesson, if he didn’t already pick up on that in law school.

Do I understand that if a vehicle is parked in front of the house and the Alleluia chorus crescendo is so loud, that the kettle drums are vibrating the walls, that I can’t get a cop to tell the guy “Move along now”? Note the poster who was able to get a “Don’t kill me, Mommy!” loud protestor removed from in front of their Planned Parenthood clinic.

Shoulda blasted Cop Killer instead.

Here’s the fuller story, again noting how he was not cited for noise. He’s got three tickets - including not showing a paper copy of his insurance: he wins that one because the cop is dead wrong, paper is not required if you’ve got another medium and defendant did. Other two are not wearing seat belt (cop has advantage cuz cop “saw” this), and not having a Florida license. Depending on his ongoing ties to Massachusetts (bona fide resident?) he could win that or not.

Oh! The lad’s also pursuing misconduct allegations. “Fuck da police!” is not an anthem law enforcement wants to embrace but with his 16 prior tangles, the state may face pressure to take action anyway, as you allude.

Cop should not have got involved at all: maybe he could have politely asked to turn it down if it was loud but he probably has no power. It’s not illegal and you have 1st Amendment defenses. Cop just invasively power tripping and sure it was racial as well. He might get a hotfoot over that.


True. You gotta look on the bright side.

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Start with the fat, dumb, dickheaded police and work up from there.

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The most amusing thing is lead rapper of NWA Easy-E was a guest at the White House during the G.H.W Bush presidency.


Ya know, Officer Garzon, NWA can be great music to work out to.
Just sayin’.

Police is out-of-control all over the country. Too many immature, unqualified and ego-inflated morons wearing badges and carrying guns.

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There may be a difference between incidental noise and noise intended for continuing harassment.

Best part is that the cop is going to learn the difference between law and justice, and a Hahvahd grad is going to deliver it.

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Sure won’t be his dick.

Well – it’s Florida. What’s amazing to me is that they seem to have a state supreme court that seems to be pretty sensible. How did that happen?

Yeah, they had a law something like that in Pennsylvania, too. And I actually went to the DMV (which was not conveniently nearby) to see about getting a PA license to replace my Virginia one, but I was on crutches recovering from a broken leg, and they told me I’d need to apply for a special handicapped license, or something to that effect. And I think I remember the day I was there was not one of the days you could do that, either that, or I didn’t want whatever permanent restrictions that would put on my license. And I thought, “Screw that,” and went home and never bothered to go back. My Virginia license was still in effect when I headed back to Virginia some 18 months later.

Is not wearing a seatbelt a primary offense in Florida, or is it only a secondary one? If it’s not a primary offense, he might be able to argue that the officer had no probable cause to pull him over, and if the judge agrees, that would likely invalidate the ticket for having an out-of-state license, because the policeman wouldn’t have known about that without pulling him over first.