White House leaks? or Russian hotel leaks? Depends…
If you don’t do anything that’s “leak-worthy,” you don’t have to worry about leaks.
From where most Americans stand, the leaking is being done by, well, let’s call them patriots, people who appear to give a damn about national security, particularly threats to that security from Putin and such like.
So, I presume the White House has already asked Ecuador to extradite Julian Assange?
Without the leaks, how would we know what is going on?
Maybe it’s just me, or selective memory, but I have no recollections about the Obama White House being “very concerned” about leaks during their administration.
What could have changed?
KreepyAnn has really settled nicely into the Palin Chair here at TPM.
Is she expecting an honorarium?
Michael Flynn misled Vice President Pence. Donald Trump misled Vice President Pence. The Trump administration misled the American people and KAC is worried about leaks? Give me a break!!
More like honoring an expectorant.
That is, if you believe My Pants. He is trying to mislead everyone now.
Well played, sir…
Once again, I pose the question: Why does anyone waste time on the utterances of this skank?" Sad.
Impeachment time, folks.
I’ll bet Shitgibbon is kicking himself in the ass more and more with each passing day for taking that business/urinary excursion to Russia.
The leaks, not the content of the leaks.
Leaking to the American public:
Dangerous! Not ok!
Leaking to Russia:
So, lemme get this straight … when the leaks are about Hillary, it is the substance that concerns Trump and Co… But when the leaks are about Trump and Co., then it is the act of leaking that is concerning. I think I’ve got it now, by golly!
Kellyanne retreating to the safety of Hannity because she knows even the Today Show hosts would tear her BS apart. Sad!
Look inside the WH for leaks. Much if not all coming from team Trump. Is continuing to blame the IC going to go,better than it has previously?
Good lord, but the tweets themselves are embarrassing. He does not have the writing skills of a third grader. Illiterate asshole.