tuff to lose that way
In that case, a modest proposal:
Take all the confederate statues from every where (which are symbols of hate)
Melt them down.
Build a barrier with the material.
Plant it somewhere near the border, as a symbol of hate.
First honest thing she’s said in quite some time.
How about a prison cell. With only one inmate.
Here’s the “structure” at the border:
In other words, Trump will roll over for Nancy as long as he can call himself a Good Boy.
Here’s your structure.
“They can call it what they want to,” Conway added about Democrats.
"Conway seems to be softening the ground for a possible compromise, signaling Trump will claim any structure built on the border as a fulfillment of his wall promise."
Trump has backed himself into a corner. Pelosi won’t fund his wall, McConnell has put him on notice that Republicans will not go along with another shutdown and also hate the idea of a “national emergency”. All Trump can do is cave and hope no one notices. And he wants it out of the way before tomorrow’s SOTU.
What you are seeing is a fight between the “do what you want, Trump” vs “we are going to get our ass kicked by congress and then the Courts if we do this” wings of the White House.
Mulveney and Miller are egging Trump on to do a “national emergency” and what goes for sane heads in Trump world (Conway, McConnell, outside advisers) are telling Trump that he is likely to get it overridden in congress, and then, even if he vetoes that that Courts will then step in.
The real problem is that if Trump tries to seize power it (a) sets a bad example for the next Democratic president, (b) and puts republicans on the side of an issue where only 25% of the Country wants trump to do it, and 75% don’t. Then Pelosi will pass a disapproval motion under the NEA, and McConnell is required to take it up under senate rules within 35 days. This puts his members between Trump’s base and a vote that will really, really hurt them come their next election. Plus the few Republicans with actual ethics/institutional memory are implacably opposed. So Trump will lose in both the house and senate (which have article 1 power over the purse) and when it hits the Court’s under the Youngstown case, Trump’s powers are at their absolute lowest ebb, and he is almost certain to loose.
Don’t forget the part where Mexico pays for it.
So pretty much his standard modus operandi for anything he tries to do. Declare victory and the best victory ever regardless of reality.
Then you need to bookmark that statement, because she will backtrack from that statement.
Hoping this is a lead-in to
“Praise the Lord that He created the Rio Grande as Our Promised Structure ”
someone should go put a beaded curtain up in Nancy’s honor.
You can’t melt concrete, which is what most of the monuments are cast in.
Just put a statue of Trump like every mile along the border.