Discussion: Conway Says Trump Was Not Upset By Her Public Attacks On Romney

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So when does Mango Mussolini announce this lying harridan as his Press Secretary? We could really use a Minister of Truth.


So Donald is admitting that this public attempt at humiliating Mittens is intentional and part of his petty plan. That doesnā€™t actually make this farce of a transition seem any better than if it was just infighting, you know. These goddamn people are hopeless.


KAC lies about the lies.
Itā€™s a post truth universe now .
To paraphrase that quote
Everything out of her mouth is a lie including "and " and ā€œtheā€
ā€œI wouldnā€™t believe a word she said even if her tongue was notarizedā€


Baghdad Conway?
We are having the smoothest transition in the history of transitions and the American people are behind us 100%

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in Cheeto Donnieā€™s mind sheā€™s just another annoying fly buzzing around the shit pileā€¦:poop:

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Oh , Ms Conway said something ?

ā€˜Most importantly she fully acknowledged there is only one person that makes the decisionā€™ā€¦there is something so chilling about that statement.


Looks to me like Trump has thrown a bunch of junkyard dogs into the pen and is watching to see which ones come out alive.

Letā€™s see, to believe someone whoā€™s entire job is to lie for a living? Right. Kellyanne Skeezeway lies everyday, all day long.

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just another pussy to grab.

Itā€™s all just part of the pre-scripted reality show. Beware the shiny objects.

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More bizzaro world chatter from the land of Trumpenstein. Itā€™s idiotic to most of the world as to what is going on here. What did either one hope to accomplish by this weird back-and-forth over Rmony? This whole episode shows just how sophomoric, stupid and just plain unfocused this whole crew of misfits really is.

Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump's transition team on Monday shot down reports that Trump was upset with Conway, his former campaign manager, for publicly airing her concerns about potential for the President-elect to nominate Mitt Romney to be secretary of state.

When Kellyanne uses Trumpā€™s favorite social medium, sheā€™s Conway Twitterā„¢.

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Of course Trumpā€™s not upset. Heā€™s the one who told her to attack Romney. My personal theory is that this is all part of his plan to humiliate Romney for his anti-Trump statements during the campaigns. He has had no intention of appointing him to anything. Rather the plan was to float his name and allow people to publicly attack it. The sad thing - thought not totally unexpected - is that Romney seemed to be interested in working in the Trump administration and stepped right into the trap, which actually showed that his previous attitude was phony.


Is she the one actually running the transition and, eventually, the country while he runs the distractionā€“otherwise known as his twitter account?

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Usually, whenever Trump or his misguided surrogates are speaking, the word "attacks"usually right on cueā€¦they are the most ill informed, strident assholes you will ever encounter and they now have immense power to determine the course of America for a decadeā€¦a very alarming state of affairsā€¦

I would not have any problem with Trumpā€™s statement if he meant it as an expression of ultimate responsibility like Trumanā€™s ā€œThe buck stops here.ā€ Unfortunately I think he meant it as a more malevolent channeling of Bush the Lesserā€™s ā€œIā€™m the decider.ā€ That chilling thought takes me back to another GOP president and the dread of ā€œFour More Years.ā€

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KellyAndroid would be gone in a minute if she was to act on her own.

As long as she keeps giving blow jobs to appease the guys that donā€™t get onto his cabinet she can say almost anything. They ones he wants on get a younger chick or guy depending on, you know.