Uh-oh… Jefferson Beauregard should start updating his linkin profile…
We already know that Conway has zero insight into Trump’s “thoughts.” Her own opinions are wholly irrelevant.
Now is this real ‘confidence’ or the ‘confidence’ of the Drunken Frat Boy who was just waiting for the bus to drive up?
“I disagree with that premise completely,” Conway said. “All of those people who you said are in the dog house… are still in this moment at the White House.”
Could this be considered a hedge?
You say dog house, I say White house . . .
Let’s call the whole thing off…
CNN: Several anonymous White House sources suggest on background that President Trump shat his pants this morning.
Trump Whisperer: That’s completely outlandish and irresponsible fake news to even suggest that President Trump is not in huge, bigly control of his bowels.
It’s not even that KAC is lying in this case, it’s that she’s completely immaterial (as are Spicer and the rest). I guess I’m part of the problem since I clicked on this story and am even making a comment about it, but there’s no reason to listen to her discuss the time of day or the color of the sky. She doesn’t matter, she knows nothing, and she cannot make any substantive contribution to political discourse.
has confidence
No “total” , no “complete”, no “full”
A statement without superlatives is really, really, suspect.
And then there’s the source…
its like she knows
Baghdad Barbie speaks!
Just like her boss, the Asshole-elect, this skank can be considered to being lying every time she opens her mouth (except, of course when she’s servicing her boss).
Oh, yeah. First he “has confidence” in staff. Next they’re lying in the road with the tread marks of bus tires on their backs.
…and we should believe you WHY, Kellyanne? Everytime you show up to ‘reassure’ us that the Orange Buffoon is not totally nuts he undercuts you. Hell your own HUSBAND undercuts you.
the dog house
Who let the KAC out? [Who, who, who, who?!]
Who let the KAC out? [Who, who, who, who?!]
There is no reason to report her words except when done to point out that she is contradicting Trumpp or a member of his administration, to show that she is lying about what Trumpp or anyone in his administration (including Conway) has said, or to show that she is lying about a clear fact.
Her spin and opinion should be discarded without report, because to report them is to help her misinform people.
Conway told Axios that Trump “has confidence in the people who work for him”
Since when do the AG and other department heads work for the president person who occupies the White House?
“Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday said President Donald Trump ‘has confidence’ in his employees…”
Kiss. Of. Death.
“I disagree with that premise completely,” Conway said. “All of those people who you said are in the dog house… are still in this moment at the White House.”
Um, Flynn?
In my dream world, news producers put Conway on tape* delay, bleep out all the false statements, then roll the tape* with all the bleeps.
*I’ll update my language when the digital world provides something less dull and generic than data and bytes and streaming. Or, if that has already happened, when I become aware of it.