Discussion: Conway: People Who Doubted Trump Could Win Interfered In Our Democracy (VIDEO)

She, like Trump, is a traitor to this country!!!

Lord, I hate this lying witch. What is interfering with our democracy Kellyanne, is grifters like you and your boss.

When will people realize that interviewing this twit is a worthless endeavor. She is intentionally obtuse. Don’t waste your time on her, media hounds. Its a complete bust, nothing more. She won’t provide you anymore information other than Trumpian propaganda and misdirection, upon orders from Chief Crazy Ass.


It just dawned on me. She must be Orly Taitz daughter.

"…not a single vote changed and we’re going to stand by that,”

That is the line they will go with from now till doomsday.

Never mind if Russia targeted millions on social media via voter data to push lies about Clinton and bolster Trump. Never mind hacking voter databases which could prevent people from casting ballots.

Their hat is hung on the peg that unless the vote tabulation processes were interferon with, they will pound that point into the ground with unhinged rage and fury.

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I didn’t read that in the Time article/report. Where did you get that?

“Alisyn, I realize that we just like to say the word ‘Russia, Russia’ to mislead the voters,” Conway said. “And I know that CNN is aiding and abetting this nonsense as well, but you’ve asked me the same question three times now and I’ve answered it.”

No. You dodged, you prevaricated, and you dissembled, but you did not answer the question. The press keeps harping on the word “Russia” because Russian is a political adversary of the United States who directly interfered in our last presidential election. That is an attack on our country and on our very democracy. It’s not a time for your word salad nonsense. It’s a time for real action, something we know won’t happen because our president benefits from billions of dollars of investments from Russian sources. In other words, OUR PRESIDENT IS A TRAITOR TO THE UNITED STATES. That’s not hyperbole. It’s not a wild-eyed conspiracy theory. It’s verifiable fact.

Folie à deux.

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The wicked bitch of the west wing has been sent out to destroy any facts that may cause their supporters to think.

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We aren’t her audience. What she and Trumpp care about is keeping the Trumpp supporters loyal while the investigation is happening and preparing them to reject any findings that are negative for Trumpp.

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Wow, does she even have a brain that works or not?

You can send it to me, and I’ll see what I can do.

“This report is new and we’ll discuss it with him later,” Conway said. “He’s been very clear on the record that he believes in any type of numbers of measures to make sure that democracy flourishes and that our voter integrity is intact, and in fact he has an entire commission on that.” “Such as?” Camerota pressed. “I mean, against Russia what is he doing specifically to try to stop this?”

Dear Alisyn, please try to keep up. KAC isn’t talking about stopping Russia, she’s talking about Trump’s 3-to-5 million “illegal” votes delusion.

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oh don’t worry, that’s definitely on their list of infractions from “Despots for Dummies.” They just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Patience… the switch to dictatorship takes time! But eventually we will all be punished for Incorrect Voting against the Dear Leader.

And why is Conway, a known degenerate liar appearing on CNN?

CNN, just say no.


plus, that fake-girly voice she uses makes me want to break things.


All Conway interviews should be segued with Scottie Tissue ads.

I don’t think he has to worry – this morning WaPo reported on three new people appointed to the committee and none of them had any idea what they could contribute or why they are there.

This hideous woman really needs to go away.
Why is she popping up again?
She really is awful.
Please stop even reporting about her. please.

Conway and her ilk truly believe that
People who voted for Hilary Clinton and thus DID NOT vote for Donald Trump

  • were obstructing the electoral process
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