Ah, Kellyanne is starting her CYA campaign in the hopes that her career doesn’t go down the toilet with her loser boss…
She’s becoming a pretty decent Clinton surrogate over the home stretch.
I can’t help but think this is intentional on her part----a bit of payback to the Donald.
She hasn’t been fired yet for expressing doubt about His Royal Orangeness?
When Trump asked why,
A big clue that she is totally making this up.
Trump has said not to pay too much attention to what he said at the debates and Conway has said not to pay attention to his tweets and Pence is always contradicting Trump. Now his off-script rants are supposed to be off limits too. All proof Trump’s words are worthless.
Poor, darling little kellyanne, already shilling for your next gig. Do you really need to air all of your candidate’s dirty laundry to the media? How about you stay away from the cameras for a few minutes and begin to manage his campaign?
“Okay honey…”? That’s how he talks to women professionals in his employ?
According to Conway, Trump replied, “Okay honey. Then we’ll win.”
Yeah, that’s appropriate language in a professional relationship.
No wonder she is so blind to Trump’s sexism.
Conway said: "Because I know you’re going to win…
Wow I thought Trump was a bad liar.
So Kellyanne was hired not to manage a campaign but to Mommy the candidate.
What are you talking about?
Trump is a specTACular liar! The Best! Simply aMAZing!
You don’t know what she called him, “Teddybear” or “Sugardad” or “BigDaddy” perhaps ?
According to Conway, Trump replied, “Okay honey. Then we’ll win.”
#Nobody respects women more than him!™
Kellyanne. Nobody is talking about taking away a grown man’s Twitter account.
Makes him sound crazy,unstable, off the wall,immature,unfit for the job is more like it.
Uh-oh, people are trying to save their own careers.
Too late. The Trump poop stain is indelible.
“I’m not going to take away— it’s not for me to take away a grown man’s Twitter account,” she went on.
OK, but what about Trump’s?
Trump’s performance at Gettysburg was the worst since George Pickett’s.
h/t Seth Meyers.
That’s how he talks to the women he actually respects. Wrap your head around that.