Maximus: I endorse your “ability to ignore reality”, KAC.
Oh, honey. It’s cute that you think Donald Trump has the ability to fight back.
Poor codger is a rhetorical earthworm in the sands of Dune.
Of course you do, Eva Braun,
WTH is personal ‘convective’?
Singular of covfefe.
“There’s no good (that) comes out of people attacking the President’s physical and mental states on national television every day…”
On the other hand, demanding to see their birth certificate…
She’d endorse Satan if he had good things to say about PP, and I imagine (if he existed) he’s a fan whose happily keeping PP’s seat warm.
Trump: Why do liberals hate blood. Blood is as natural as White Jesus.
Troll Flagged
ETA: and gone! Nice one Mods. 7 minutes, one post. We’re coming for your record Auntie!
sycophant: NOUN: a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage
“Conway: I am a piece of shit”
“I don’t endorse Trump’s shitting on the carpet, but I endorse his ability to shit in a generally random spatial and temporal pattern.”
Said otherwise, “I endorse [that man]'s ability to reduce the office of the presidency to a bit in a bad reality tv show.”
I endorse Trump’s ability to act emotional age 12 in front of the entire world every time he’s criticized.
I don’t endorse his nuking Mexico, I endorse his ability to be a decidingly decisive decider.
“Triumph of the swill”?
As long as she still endorses the Bowling Green Massacre, it’s all good.
Mistress Malaprop meant invective. Dontcha love it when people try to use big words and just fail?
Or maybe she means the heat’s getting to be too much for Donnie and he needs to get out of the kitchen?