Discussion: Conway Hints That Kelly Sadler Could Get Another Administration Job (VIDEO)

No surprise…


Scumbag Crypt Keeper…stfu.

Of course evil disgusting “people” like Sadler are supported by right wing welfare.

Pretty much my point last night. She’s going to be rewarded with a well paying position - one that’s off the radar and just not very visible. Sean Spicer might have a problem because he’s too recognizable. Sadler - no problem.


By another Administration job, did she mean FUX News?

I think this is more about not wanting Sadler to be the first ex-staffer to write a tell-all book.


She didn’t sign the NDA ?


Of course she’ll get another admin job as soon as McCain dies. They don’t want her around during the funeral proceedings.

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OMG she really does do that wild, stomach-fluttering pivot thing, this time from jobs open to Sadler to the eleventy million jobs available to the American people because the president is so awesome yadda yadda yadda. Like a third-rate marketing clown with a camera in her face, always selling selling selling.


Schlapp got rid of her as a direct report, not Trump. Sadler’s ‘style’ fits his, so she will not miss any meals.


Kelly Sadler has been told there are administration jobs that fit with her skill set and her experience and that the rest is really her choice what she would like to do next

This is, regrettably, a true statement on the part of Ms. Conway. There are jobs in this administration that totally fit Sadler’s skill set and experience. …All of them, Katie.


Has she (Sadler) applied to be McCain’s private nurse?


Perhaps Sadler will end up in DoJ along with Cohen-Watnick where they will both burnish their credentials as Leakers to the President.


If ordered to find her a job I’d make her a smokejumper for the USFS. Is there anything else? No, Kelly, not at the moment. We could let you know. Now if you’ll excuse me, this online solitaire game won’t play itself…

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The Don’s idea of " the best people" is clearly different than 99% of the people you know…"

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Her skill set: mocking dying veterans. Sure, that amounts to gold-plated credentials in this admin.


“Kelly Sadler has been told there are administration jobs that fit with her skill set and her experience and that the rest is really her choice what she would like to do next,” Conway said.

“We have to pretend like we’re doing something, Kelly. But, hey … take your pick of all the unfilled jobs. And make sure you give yourself a big pay boost, too … just for all the trouble.”

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“We just got back from the Middle East.”
— Tweety the Tapeworm, to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin after arriving from Saudi Arabia

There are still well over three dozen ambassadorship’s available. Has anyone asked Sadler what kind of food she likes? We’ve already learned knowledge of a country’s culture, language, issues or even its location is not a prerequisite.

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OT but, I got this email blast for some strange reason. Mother Pence wants to leave her boy Mike Pence some money on the mantle for his birthday.


I save writing to you for truly special occasions.

And we’ve got an extra special one coming up… We’ll soon be celebrating the birthday of Vice President Pence, who also happens to be the love of my life.

I want to give Mike a card signed by all of our most enthusiastic supporters.

OK, Mother Pence is taking names. You don’t want not to be on that list, OK ?