Discussion: Conway Clashes With 'Morning Joe' Hosts Over 'Sexist' Reporting

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KAC has been offered the position of scarecrow in the Michelle Obama vegetable garden…


“And we have a response from Kellyanne Conway, who says about our reporting this morning, it is sexist,” Joe Scarborough deadpanned.

How was their reporting sexist?
And I thought Republicans are sick of being “PC” and that we should just tell it like it is. Strange that SHE (of all people) is playing the sexism card. Especially considering she spent weeks defending the “grab them by the pussy” remark

And who is Halperin in conversation with on his cell phone?

I don’t know what’s really going on here but I will say this is all weird and the press reporting is still shit.


Scare crows or local,children who visit the White House?


Most observers note working in the White House ages people more then the chronological 4 or 8 years you spend there.

Conway should ask herself what a few years of the grind would do to her. She’s only 49. Yikes.


KellyAnne will say ANYTHING to get what she wants. She probably thinks God is going to give her a plenary indulgence for getting Roe v Wade overturned, but I am pretty sure she is going to hell for lying.


I wasn’t aware that androids have gender.

She has definitely taken on an exaggerated view of her importance.


Baba Yaga, that hideous Russian hag-witch that lives in a log cabin and walks on chicken legs deep in the New Jersey woods…


A thought: Despite a possible NDA, maybe Conway knows a few, ahem, things that allow her to feel a bit immune to Donnie’s wrath.


“Trump’s top aides told MSNBC they were “baffled” by Conway’s comments and that Conway was pushing her own agenda…”

Sorry, kids. If Kellyann Conartist wasn’t cleared to say this stuff she’d be out of a job NOW. Since she isn’t, we need to assume that she is cleared to proceed.


Long-time smoker?

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Either that or she has a folder full of photos of Trump and Miss Teen USA 1997.


I’m pretty sure those photos (or the video) wouldn’t do much harm at this point…

Don’t know, but she could pass for 60 easily. If she lives to 80 the mortician will surely recommend the family go with closed casket. That or the funeral home corpse artist will demand a bonus.


Pretty sure Mr. Trump will soon let her know that he is the boss. He has a way of doing that. She should know that by now.

I don’t know, the additional presence of the donkey, circus midget and trapeze might do some damage.


Law firm…


I wondered if KellyAnn might not get any job. She would be a horrendous Press Secretary. This much would be obvious even to Trump. She doesn’t have any other possible post.

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Tired of Trump grabbing her by the p@ssi, her face shows the strain. Yah know, they say the face betrays the soul of a person. If that’s true, she needs to be many shades darker and spouting fire from her ears and mouth! .