Is this the portrait Kellyanne Conway keeps hidden away in the attic under lock and key à la Dorian Gray?
“At 50, everyone has the face he deserves.”
- George Orwell
[quote=“26degreesrising, post:33, topic:60195”]
But my guess would be that they think hypothetical is just another, fancier teevee style word for mean.
[/quote]Hypothetical: mean, fake, made up, unfair, illegal, libtard something something.
Somehow in their world view, they cannot believe that despite personal preferences, professionals can do a job with integrity and actual professionalism.
Again, if you ain’t wid em, your agin em.
In other words Trump’s fear of the Mueller investigation is hypothetical. Uh huh.
All insurance is based on “hypotheticals” - you hypothesize your house may catch on fire, so you buy insurance in case it does. A bill to protect the Russian investigation is just the American people buying an insurance policy.
To tell lies is to age prematurely.
Following up on my previous point.
Without droning on, I just realized this whole fiasco of an administration is like a conversation I had with a very despicable co-worker on Altruism. The idea of real altruism was alien to him. There always has to be an angle and he expected that attitude from everyone, not just a few.
You can argue that Altruism ends up with a quid pro quo, but on a functional level for the individual it is can be pretty pure. The cynic will look at any act of charity having a singular result favorable to that cynic. In terms of doing a job honorably and without self-interest is something they cannot grasp. If we did not collectively have a sense of professionalism, we would be back to the days of homeowners paying the firemen upfront before they extinguished the flames, priests holding back last rites and selling indulgences and so on.
I wish someone would ask her “Why does it matter that there are people who have worked with and for Democrats in the investigation? Are you suggesting that investigations that include Republicans are always partisan witch hunts? Are you saying that this is true of all political investigations?”
Of course you are. You’re under investigation for crimes involving Russian organized crime bosses.
And you’ll continue to comply and cooperate until we learn what your little troupe was up to.
“Nothing” is not the answer. Stop hiding and we’ll stop looking.
Conway on “hypothetical”… I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
The president has outright threatened Mueller in public. There is nothing hypothetical in play here.
KellyAnne: “Why are we engaging in hypotheticals? The entire Russia investigation is a hypothetical.”
It appears that Ms. Conway does not know what the word ‘hypothetical’ means.
Ah, Kelly, here’s the thing. A hypothesis or hypothetical is derived from the Greek word hypothetikos which means ‘pertaining to a theory’. In other words, it’s a thing, unlike ‘Alternate Facts’ which are derived from Medieval Latin word manuoperare which means “to put dung on the soil” – otherwise known in modern times as manure or, in your case, just pure BS.
Margaret Hamilton is right!
In the sense that anything that hasn’t happened yet still has some chance of happening or not happening. As opposed to “alternative facts,” which are about things that didn’t happen in the past, therefore have no chance of having happened. My health, car and house insurance are also “based on hypotheticals,” come to think of it. Brilliant.
Krankyanne has never done an OpFor evaluation.
Kellyanne, You having a brain is also hypothetical.
Every time I `see Kellyanne smile I am reminded of these lines from Hamlet:
Oh, you villain, villain, you damned, smiling villain! Where’s my notebook?—It’s a good idea for me to write down that one can smile and smile, and be a villain.
Don’t be silly. They were broadcasting on location from the 8th circle of Hell. (No work furlough that day).
The fiery glow of burning souls really screws with the lighting.
The thing about hypotheticals is that they have a way of becoming reality. Man, endowed as he is with reason and foresight, looks a the range of hypotheticals to pick out ones whose blend of probability of occurrence plus damage if they do occur, justify planning to prevent these hypotheticals from becoming realities.
Trump firing Mueller is indeed a hypothetical, but one whose probability has been raised by Trump’s own statements threatening to do exactly that, fire Mueller. And it would do considerable damage if this hypothetical came to pass, Trump firing Mueller. Thus the push for a law that will keep this hypothetical from becoming a reality.
That a president might be unfit to perform the duties of the office is another hypothetical. Even if the probability were not high at the moment of that happening, it’s a hypothetical that was thought damaging enough to be worth addressing both in the Constitution as originally written, and then the concern prompted an entire Amendment to further clarify the procedure for dealing with that hypothetical.
Well, here we are in a situation in which the president being unfit for office looks less and less like a hypothetical every day, with every tweet and every speech. Damn good thing those who went before us made provision for what was only a hypothetical in their day, but is now reality. When do we start addressing the reality that the president is mentally unfit?
Good. Then maybe Trump is a hypothetical president.