That’s the Modus Operandi for an administration consisting of endless lies and diversions. When an individual lie outlives its usefulness, it’s discarded.
What’s one lie more or less?
nice of them to be so emphatic about this, now that the story is completely forgotten and no administration hacks are out there defending the obvious lies anymore.
This isn’t exactly news, is it?
Yet another signal that Sessions won his war with Donnie.
Yes, there was no wiretapping, but what about “wiretapping”?!
So, let the record show that Donald J. Trump made a baseless accusation - and when confronted with the total absence of factual support - continued to make his claim
sort of text book “Pathological Liar” psychological disorder
To the Conspiracy Bullshitter no evidence of something is actually PROOF that it really exists. This is the Trumpian Universe of which he is the master baiter.
I got all happy by the strength of the language - til I realized I had read too quickly and the quotes were from the American Oversight. Small victory - but deep thanks to American Oversight for bringing the suit, and compelling a response that goes into the record. The unprecidented-one lied about the former President.
OT, but I also read that his bashing of Claire McKaskill the other day (while hawking for tax cuts) is actually illegal - because it is campaign rhetoric - and as such, should come out of the RNC budget. But, as usual, no rules apply to the moron and his Congress of morons and his moronic constituency.
Wow. I am, like, just so surprised by this…!
Right. People are always overestimating him.
I feel confident that, should someone in his circle be indicted by Schneiderman, he will declare a pardon, and his attorneys will argue that he has pardon power.
Gosh, it was months ago that John Yoo, the “ball-crusher”, wrote that Trump had gone too far.
The news is in the qualifier.
No “wiretaps as described” by Trump.
Doesn’t exactly mean they weren’t listening in …
That is really going to trigger some Cheeto puffs!
Welcome to the world of Donnie’s damaged psyche, where evidence is irrelevant, facts are fake news, and data is disdained.
“The president publicly confirmed the wiretaps…”
Things Trump has “publicly confirmed”:
- He’s going to repeal and replace Obamacare.
- Mexico will pay for a wall.
- Coal jobs are coming back.
- He’s a billionaire.
- He has no financial ties to Russia.
He'll quickly solve the North Korea problem.
- He’s “really, really smart”.
So, DOJ, FBI and NSD confirm that Trump’s March tweets about Obama wiretapping were lies - no surprise there. But they still won’t confirm or deny other surveillance around Trump and Trump Tower that’s not specific to the false and crazy tweets. With all the Russians, mob guys and others in many Trump properties over the years, there’s probably all kinds of surveillance going on, and hopefully Trump, his Trump Organization team and his campaign, transition and administration teams are all on tape and video committing and approving crimes.
Well, there are still the lies coming from “Judge” Napolitano at Fox News about British Intelligence doing the wiretapping at Obama’s request. Don the Con can always fall back on those.
The article reminded me of one thing that I have been forgetting about Trump. He is paranoid as hell. He is a liar, but the underlying paranoia likely put him in a place that he believes what he said.
I am happy that this was resolved and is on the public record - kudos to the organization that did this.
However, the fact that this false assertion by Trump happened in March and we are getting clarification in September is a great demonstration of the inherent problem with a Trump admin backed by a feckless Republican party - he will continue to careen through everything he comes in contact with and responsible people are left trying to clean it up 6 months later when he has already told 1000 more lies and then lied about the lying. Our institutions seem powerless against his particular brand of destruction and mayhem and it is disheartening to watch this guy continue to lie freely and frequently about everything.
I don’t want to see the rules changed so that an unpopular president can be easily removed - after all, he may be unpopular because he is doing the RIGHT thing. But God knows we need something to help us deal with someone who is so obviously cognitively impaired and seemingly totally divorced from reality. Our country is being run by the paranoids and liars at FOX news and it is not a pretty sight.