Discussion for article #222866
Seven losers with seven different answers. This a complete waste of taxpayer money, which repugs are expert at wasting.
Democrats are making a huge mistake if they don’t boycott this thing. I know they think they need to be on the panel to defend Hillary, but they are 100% wrong. Hillary can handle herself, and nothing will fire up the Democratic base, than to see an all GOP panel asking outlandish questions, on a conspiracy theory, echoing the endless Clinton investigation of the 90’s.
Okay, okay. I apologize to the previous poster who kept pasting in his/her screed that the Repubs were going to try to impeach the Pres. over Benghazi. I really didn’t think the GOP/Tea Party was so far in their bubble to be stupid enough to go down in flames this way.
As close as you’ll ever get to the AP saying a thing is a Republican fake scandal machine staffed by crazy people. Not even a false balance reference to Alan Grayson.
“Republicans say they need to find out why security was insufficient”
Lets say we start with the FUNDING that you guys cut for security at our outpost around the world.
Agreed. Anything other than boycott adds legitimacy to this dead horse.
In the last 2 years of exhaustive subpoenas, testimony and grandstanding, every one of those questions has been answered. The tea baggers don’t like the boring, unsensational, real answers. What the Republicans on the new committee are saying is “We have certain imaginary scenarios in our minds and we’ll keep investigating until we find someone who will confirm our fairy tales.”
This could take a while, folks.
Where are the jobs, Speaker Boehner?
I’m sure these empty suits see themselves as the Seven Samurai. But, alas they are just a cheap version of the Seven [Intellectual] Dwarfs.
It would be great if any of these investigations circled back around to the real cause - the fact that congress underfunded embassy security.
But that’ll never happen. The truth is the LAST thing these folks are looking for.
Seven Samurai? Certainly not the “Magnificent Seven,” nor even the “seven basic plots.” The “Seven Pillars of Wisdom” is right out. I see them as the seven plagues.
I swear with every passing day these RWMJ get a little more nuts. How can anyone with a half a brain support these fools anymore?
Answer: Missing cerebral hemispheres aside; any voting adult with an abject fear of change, a zero-sum game mentality, an unhealthy level of group identity and undeveloped critical thinking skills; will vote for “these guys.” In other words, about half the voting population of Arizona and probably the entire country.
Just some anecdotal factoids. The Magnificent Seven was a direct lift — a la western genre — from Kurosawa’s black & white 1950’s masterpiece. As was Disney’s A Bug’s Life. So in that context, the select committee may as well be dubbed The Seven Cockroaches.
So, are we safe to assume that when this select committee also fails to produce any substantive evidence of wrongdoing or conspiracy involving the White House’s response to the tragic events in Benghazi, Libya, there will be another select committee to follow? We’ve already seen that Republicans are fully vested in this fantasy and the old “If at first you don’t succeed” adage, but when exactly does this merry-go-round stop? Republican “lawmakers” are clearly thrilled they don’t have to do any of that boring legislative work that usually falls to Congress, but I have a sense that Americans are getting a bit tired of this old movie, and can’t stomach another rerun.
Useless, feckless Dem Party…as usual. Repeat after me morons: Ambassador Stevens died as a result of the Republican Party’s refusal to increase funding for embassy security. Repeat ad nauseum. Jesus this is low hanging fruit! Use bold terms, say the Republican Party is responsible for Steven’s death, say they essentially murdered him. Or get your pearls clutched and your fainting couches at the ready and lose with dignity once again.
They insist the investigation isn’t political.
They are a bunch of fucking liars.
The Dems should not be part of this mouth breathing bagger shit show. It’s always more fun to watch all the clowns get in and out of the tiny car then being a clown yourself.
50 votes to repeal Obamacare, so I guess we are going to see 50 select committees. Sad.