Discussion: 'Constitutional' Sheriff Investigating Oregon Shooting Is Staunch Gun Rights Supporter

Yeah, not sure where these guys get their view of the Constitution from. And no one action will be a silver bullet to stop everything but if you could cut the number down it seems more than worth it.

Actually, with that logic why have laws at all? People break them? So, they do not work and that means it has to be an all or nothing game. Wouldn’t that mean he would have no job though…strange. Very strange.


Yes, but the real problem is that they’ve reached the point where nobody even attempts to call on them to do it anymore.


The rational sheriffs like to fuck with him


Hanlin is obiously a fan of Sheriff Rick, and follows Rick’s manual religiously…

He and his deputy look like mountain men in “Deliverance,” . When you hear banjos, paddle faster.

What is comes down to is competing rights of citizens. On the one hand one group of citizens demands the unfettered right to own firearms and on the other hand we have the right of citizens to live secure in our persons. The former is addressed rather ambiguously in our Second Amendment and the latter is addressed explicitly in our Declaration of Independence and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It seems bizarre that an armed, elected peace officer would come down on the side of arming the crazies over protecting the innocent.

He was let off too easily. This is the true test of his argument. Let’s see if he can still stand by his beliefs when it is quite possible that either the shooter selected this jurisdiction because of the Sheriff’s public pronouncements or (worst case) the Sheriff’s unwillingness to to follow federal or state law that he disagreed with allowed the shooter an unobstructed path to illegal gun ownership. At this point in the investigation neither of these scenarios are knowable but the Sheriff must at least concede that they are possible. And if they are possible then let him take his ‘principled’ stand (in public; right now!) while bearing the burden of knowing that the victim’s blood could be on his hands too.


This is rich. This guy now gets to live with the outcome of his thinking. And apparently he is too stupid to admit he was wrong.

Parents and voters of Roseburg, OR, boot this guy out. Vote him out. Get rid of him. He is part of the problem.


The second amendment is the only place in the Constitution where government regulation is specifically required.


“Any actions against, or in disregard for our U.S. Constitution and 2nd Amendment rights by the current administration would be irresponsible and an indisputable insult to the American people who feel unlimited 2nd Amendment rights outweigh the rights of other citizens to be safe from gun violence.”

There, FIFY…

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Sheriff Hanlin you failed to protect those students

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This bastard has the blood of innocents on his hands. And he doesn’t even give a damn.

I’m always curious why the 2nd Amendment is the “Super Amendment”. The rights enumerated in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution have been repeatedly limited, yet the 2nd Amendment is immune to logical interpretation despite such need for the public good.

How horrifying these spectacles are. The actual crimes are horrendous enough, but the fealty that is given to these gun fetishists is even more grotesque, sadly enough.


When Cuomo pointed out that Hanlin previously said gun laws aren’t the
answer to mass shootings, the sheriff responded: “I want to stay focused
on completing this investigation and focus on the families of the
victims The discussion over firearms and control of firearms will occur.
I’ll dime in at a later time but now is not that time.”

When the fuck will it be time sheriff? Tomorrow, next year, when your own family gets wasted? When?

I’ll dime in at a later time but now is not that time.

…totally irrelevant but “dime in” whens the last time anyone’s seen a dime pay phone?


So, this is working out well for him!

Wouldn’t have helped in this case. What we have here is a weird, awkward guy who lived with his mother, and liked to wear camo - not a diagnosed schizophrenic, not a commitable psychopath. In short, I don’t think he showed signs of being any more mentally ill than hundreds of thousands of other people. And AFAIK, no one ever tried to get mental health help for this guy. His mother protected him. Remember, it was Adam Lanza’s mother who made sure he had guns, and knew how to use them. She wasn’t desperately seeking help - she thought he’d be fine, as long as he was heavily armed.

And can you imagine the frenzied screaming if anyone were to propose that before you can buy guns, you not only have to go through a background check, you have to submit to a psychological evaluation?

It’s actually simpler than that. If you think that you need a gun - for protection, to impress others, because you think they’re “neat,” whatever - then you’re delusional, and shouldn’t be allowed to have one.

Yeah, I know - it’s Catch-22. But I think all talk about “more reasonable controls” based on background checks, based on mental health, and so on, is just wishful thinking. History has shown us over and over again that those kinds of controls aren’t good enough. They require perfect clairvoyance, the ability to determine, in advance, who might use a gun to do something horrific.

Outside of law enforcement and the military, no one needs a gun.

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Actually no, it isn’t the only place in the Constitution where government regulation is required. With every Constitutional right comes responsibility. That is the substance of the old “you can’t yell fire in a theater” chestnut. The NRA and their supporters seem to think it is the only place in the Constitution where government regulation is impossible.

I am not sure you are right about the “need” for a gun, but that boat has sailed. The Supreme Court has ruled the government can’t simply deny all citizens the right to own a gun. The government can regulate guns if they apply the normal Constitutional standards.

In fact since the existence of laws has not totally eradicated crime there should be no laws at all. That is one wise sheriff.

No. Check it out. In the actual text of the US Constitution, several topics “may” be regulated, but only one topic where regulation is necessary to the security of a free state–guns.

(Also, it is perfectly fine, even admirable, to yell “fire” in a crowded theater. If there is a fire.)