Seems like a good idea. I expect more liberals will adopt it as well, so we know where to stay away from.
Meh, us Deep Staters are everywhere, so good luck with that. Hahahaha! Idiots.
If these spaces are full of aggrieved right-wingers with concealed guns, how safe can they possibly be?
There’s an app? This changes everything.
Why the name “63red” ?
Red = Republican. But, 63?
Golly gee I can’t imagine that libbie techies won’t just get the app themselves for planning a demonstration against Trump or the right wing. Thanks for the heads up.
Because there is no better way to protect your thinking than isolation.
I’d have gone with 88Red…
But… Civil Rights Act is in 64, so 63 is the last year you could go to have lunch without being bothered by darkies on the stool next to you…
Just a natural extension of the plutocracy they’ve built to cling to power in the face of demographic shifts. Convince your hordes to only patronize businesses that will donate to you and you slowly bleed the competition of resources.
is that because tough talk from the manly conservatives about snowflake and libtards is just talk?
as Elwood said to Jake “it was just bullshit”
Given all the mumbo-jumbo these people engage in around symbols and numbers (HH, 88, etc.), I imagine there’s some tie-in to the Qabalah of Stupid ™. I’m not sure I want to know what it is though.
So, these snowflakes are triggered and looking for safe spaces to be bigots? That’s rich. The fun part is that most any urban or suburban restaurant or establishment that finds itself listed on this app will have their own concerns and will most likely seek to be removed. “We hate” probably isn’t helpful.
Creating ghettos? Hasn’t that been done already?
Good guess…I tend to agree that’s probably what it is.
What’s funny is that all it does is help us target them and their businesses.
Plus the app is 100% guaranteed to be made by some liberal who thought it would be funny to fleece the dumb folks.
I wonder how Comet Ping-Pong rates?
I think this is a reaction to the absolute disgust which comes over the face of
a best friend
a relative
a co-worker
a club member…etc…
When, in the midst of the same kinds of conversations people have chatting in nondescript interactions, it becomes known that someone is a MAGA…
Bear in mind, there are venues where one’s feelings are fairly well predictable (minority communities, deep blue areas, deep red areas, etc.).
But it can be a relationship Game Changer. In that sense, Trump has destroyed more of America than has ever been done for decades.