Discussion for article #241034
Somehow I greet this with trepidation… something about “the evil you know”
The pile of human like forms that are piled up on the House floor will all have skin under their fingernails… clawing to the “top”
So, Rafael, a complete vacuum at the top of the House, while we have pending a slew of important legislation, is your idea of “leading”?
Lets see:
- They say Shut Down the Government because it won’t bend to our will.
- They tell their followers “Don’t listen to the Pope, he’s a commie-pinko”
- They demand women be “breeders, not readers”.
- They hate: Gays, Intellectuals, Unions, Foreigners, Non-Christians, Non-Whites.
- They accuse anyone who disagrees with them of not being Patriotic.
- They openly call for “closing the borders” and “expelling all foreigners”.
- They have a convenient scapegoat for everything that is wrong: “Muslims”.
- Their solution to everything is: “Cut Taxes on the Rich” and “Wage War on Everybody”.
Gee, sound at ALL familiar? Last time I heard anything like this it was in 1930’s Germany.
Remember, “When Fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in the Flag and carrying a Cross.”
We are now seeing that prophecy fulfilled.
If the ultra right captures total control of the house GOP leadership & holds the entire government hostage there will come a point where the remaining non-lunatic GOP reps in “non-lunatic districts” will either jump ship to independent or to the Democratic party (a tiny number) … or simply chose to be sitting ducks & get beaten by the Democrat
Conservatives Dance On John Boehner’s Grave
Ever see a conservative dance, ugly.
Fox News on the resignation:
“And as Speaker Boehner leaves, his Merlot glass overfilling with tears from the Pope’s visit; we see Speaker Cruz giving the one-fingered Nazi salute to our new, whiter, government. Life is good”
Now we’re gonna see some REAL leadership in the House, AMIRITE!
What song have they asked the orchestra to play, “Nearer My God to Thee”?
I suspect that Obama (who doesn’t seem to give a f…k about republicans anymore) is going to have a lot of fun humiliating the likely wingnut that steps up as Speaker believing that just by sheer force of will, they can make O do what they want.
Yeah, they will shut the Federal Government, because that’s the only thing they can do . I just hope that in that even the feds stop sending (or delaying) SS checks to the GOP districts. The resulting braying and grunting will be something for the ages…
Short term victory for House conservatives. Long-term damage to the GOP. Do they really think this banishing any form of moderation AT ALL in their leadership is going to help? Sheesh… bad move guys. Good news for Dems though.
So Rubio was quick to jump onto the Boehner bashing bandwagon and piled on a sly insult himself? There goes his support among the mainstream GOP. Couldn’t have been a more transparent moment on the political stage so far this campaign. What a worm. At least Cruz owns up to his villainy.
Very evil (and extremely shortsighted) people…
Which confirms that they know that they had better ride their ancient voters to the Promised Land (at least, until some younger people can be sufficiently dumbed-down)
Rubio will be gone Jan 1st, 2017 when his term as Senator ends.
Whichever song they choose they are likely to be sued by the copyright owner for using it without permission, and for being complete assholes.
Nobody has ever stated that Rubio’s I.Q, was north of 100.
I agree. Coming across as a young prick isn’t going to garner him much more that he wasn’t going to get anyway.
A semite is a semite, in their pin-sized heads.
The symmetry you raise is scary. I just cannot believe that such a collection of ignorants can actually take control.
What a bunch of classless assholes.
I’d say republicans need to be careful what they wish for…cause they’re about to get it, and realize how a small number of crazies can outpace the group in being loudest, but not delivering votes in an election.