Discussion: Conservatives Can't Hide Their Disgust With SCOTUS On Obamacare

Of course in order to be blackmailed one has to have done something one wishes to hide. What dark secret is lurking in Roberts’ closet?

Yeah, it’s pretty ironic that conservatives who call forcing people to purchase insurance from private for profit corporate entities “socialism” complaining about the meaning of words.


This is me dancing with joy: ///\\\//\///\\\//\\\//\\\////////\\\//\//\\//\\

Just one very large correction here.

It’s not conservatives who cannot hide their disgust it’s REPUBLICANS.

There are many many intelligent conservatives out there but there are very few intelligent Republicans.

The differentiation is important.

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… and PLEASE, god, may the republican apocalypse come quickly.

I’m happy that such a sorry bunch of sore losers have been proven wrong again. I’m also really happy that millions of Americans can continue to afford health insurance.

These people only like judicial activism when it goes in their favor. Did they whine last year when the voting rights act decision went their way? Nope. Did they stomp and cry when gun controls were loosened or restraints on campaign contributions via the Citizens United decision were eliminated, or when the court reined in the Presidents use of executive power over immigration regulations? Nope, Nope and Nope.

A lot of progressives are sleeping better tonight. And this bunch of sour grapers? Nope!

That’s a common misconception … Randy is a Bored, Certifiable Doctor. Why is not Mr Paul in the slammer for medical fraud anyway?!?


The entire Republican Platform is based upon “cognitive Dissonance”.

Note to “reggid” - The media know who signs their paychecks. The 10:1 margin will increase.

Hey, I am still waiting for Rush Limpballs to LEAVE THE COUNTRY as he promised;
Remember what Rush Limbaugh said about Obamacare back in 2010? " … it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented – I am leaving the country."

Andrea, exactly which grade was it when you dropped out of elementary school?

See my reply to the same post on another thread. Oh wait, it’s right here on the site. Mayhap I’ll copy and paste. (And then add the emphasis, which has been stripped out, back in. Bad platform.)

You stop right there. You have the purpose and methods of code construction rules (or acts) down to a T, but the meaning of construction in this context is the act of construing.

A code construction act (that’s what we call it formally in Texas, your state’s law may differ) or protocol guides the court’s construction of the act by determination of legislative intent through examination of the legislative history (committee hearings and so forth).

You know all this, I’m sure, but I’m afraid you may have confused the
punters. [To any who might be wondering about that last word: see: OED, punters, definition 1.1]

BTW, I will have been out of law school 38 years come August. Time flies—except when it crawls.

Very much like the amazement and confusion on the right when Romney was trounced by Obama. Living solely in the echo chamber leads to nasty surprises.

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We should start.

I wonder how many other laws contain similarly “inartful” four word phrases that could, if necessary, invalidate the whole law. Thousands I would

Which, in effect, is why the majority found the way it found. If it’s overwhelmingly clear that the overall thrust of the law needs the one particular phrase to be interpreted a particular way, then that’s what should happen.

Though I am also stuck by a certain similarity of thinking between this case and certain religious types who are more than willing to cherry pick a sentence here or there and to completely ignore the thrust of the document read as a whole…

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Thanks for the use of the accurate reactionary instead of the ubiquitous conservative. (That’s ubiquitous usage; conservatives are vanishingly rare in nature.)

The bitter, BITTER tears, pathetic wailing, hand wringing, and gnashing of conservatives teeth…it feeds my soul! :-0

Great point. Sauce for the goose steppers…

Yep, and then we need to rename Medicare to what it should rightfully be called - Johnsoncare.

Johnsoncare for all!

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You’ve (preemptively) stolen my follow-up. Mazel tov!

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