Discussion for article #222189
Seems Republicans found themselves another Magic Negro to blame. Too bad he already said he wasn’t looking to buy.
Didn’t El Flushbo himself once express an interest in buying a sports franchise. It makes you wonder…
Man, you can set your watch to this shit.
Really? You want to go up against Magic Johnson and try to take him down?
Wow. OK then. Good luck with that. I’m sure you’ve got all your excuses for failure handy too.
Conservatives are so predictable I knew this was going to happen.
“I’ll say this for Magic Johnson. He must have some brilliant advisors to cook this up. Who knew he had super aides like that?”
Right 'cause aint no negro be thinkin 'dat up hisself! Amirrite?
Actually I think this comment is even more offensive than you suggest, since Magic Johnson has lived with HIV for many years now. The awkwardness of that tweet - “super aides” - makes me think this was a none-too-thinly veiled reminder of his health status.
Never apologize. Never take responsibility.
The Republican mantra.
Man, the derp is flying fast and furious today!
I think you are right - thats really a stretch - there can’t be another reason to be redundant like that. I’ll bet he started with aids and wrote the tweet backwards.
Again, pathetic.
This explains a lot why there was a shortage of aluminum foil when I went to the grocery store earlier this evening.
As someone else said, even AIDS don’t wanna go up against Magic.
Hey wait a minute… Benghazi!
I often wonder if us repeating what the nuts on the right say is only making things worse. We feign surprise at what they say and then post it on our own blogs or accounts saying “can you believe what they said?!”. When we know full well what they are going to say.
It’s gotten to the point where I feel that this is just some game played by the extremes of both ideologies in order to keep the masses worked up and divided. That way they can keep making those sweet sweet advertising dollars.
Noticed the same thing. I’m sure it’s PURELY coincidental.
good grief… the stupidity. no one forced that gross old fart to say those things. she may have directed the conversation, but he’s the one who uttered those words … presumably script free.
Assuming this is true (which I don’t), isn’t this the way “vulture capitalism” works? You never complain when rich, white men do it (Carl Icahn, Ivan Boesky, et al.), so why are you upset now?
Magic is just a pawn here. The Illuminati; The Trilateral Commission; and the Common Core are really pulling the strings.
So are they claiming him as one of their own again?