Discussion for article #244350
Well, heck, faking tears wasn’t the hard part. It was keeping the human skin mask attached to the lizard head that took work.
Normally given that they are the experts in insincerity, I might consider giving the asshats a pass this time, but I think the ODS cancels that out in this case. It’s hard to keep my flash-cards straight on the table tho.
Sincerity is virtually impossible to comprehend for those who are incapable of achieving it.
Why oh why did I click on this story???
Gotta go outside… need to breathe in some fresh air…
How could anyone be brought to tears by the thought of 21 innocent children getting slaughtered by bullets, as they screamed for their mommies and daddies? What a phoney Obama must be.
I heard a Whitehouse staffer interviewed last week. He said that the President has been haunted by the photos of the children’s bodies and the meetings with the parents and siblings. He defined the Sandy Hook shooting as the most impactful event of Mr. Obama’s presidency - on him as a person. Who would find this difficult to believe???
Yep. Me too. Haters gonna hate.
Time to walk the dog in the sunshine and breath the fresh crisp air.
haha, yeah it was the tears that were cynical. ok. holy shit, it’s like negative self-awareness.
anyway, more plumbing the (apparently bottomless) depths of stupidity.
The people commenting on the right are part of the hear nothing willfully ignorant gun crowd. They had their responses prepared in advance of anything the president said, and they’re adlibbing now that they saw real tears. But Tantaro is back, so all’s well in Faux World.
“Conservatives Are Pretty Sure Obama Faked Tears Announcing Gun Measures.”
The daily tears of Reince Priebus and his increasingly-impotent GOP establishment, however, are genuine.
(And so, so sweet.)
PBO’s tears were faked but when St Ronnie (a trained actor[?]) choked-up it was there real thing.
Conduct a corollary of the “Waterboarding Test” on these phony compassion-less vermin
… take each of these disingenuous frauds into a room with the mothers and fathers and siblings of the 21 children who were mercilessly slaughtered by a psycho - make then go through one-by-one shake hands, say a word, look at a photo of the innocent child that was lost - and then let us see their smug dismissive attitude…
quite possibly they are the cold self absorbed assholes that they pretend to be on TV - or maybe they will break character and be human for once.
Exactly my thoughts. What kind of person is brought tears over the slaughter of 5 and 6 year old babies and their teachers? What kind of person who has consoled countless grieving parents over the deaths of their children is actually brought to tears at the thought of their pain? What kind of person is saddened by the tens of thousands of lives cut short by gun violence? What kind of person? An actual fucking human person with emotions, compassion, empathy, and sympathy for the suffering of those around them, that’s who.
When President Barack Obama briefly paused his speech about gun control on Tuesday to wipe away tears after he talked about the children who were shot in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the rare moment of emotion from the typically cucumber-cool President was immediately deemed a sham by conservatives.
At least they’re not suggesting he’s a wimp for crying as they (or their 1972 counterparts) did when Senator Edmund Muskie allegedly shed tears in New Hampshire while defending his wife from a right-wing attack. (Muskie later claimed the “tears” were actually snow — it was snowing at the time — melting on his face.) Is this progress?
People say Rinse is the life of the party, because he tells a joke or two, although he might be laughing loud and hearty, deep inside he’s blue.
H/T Smokey Robinson
Not really. They’ve been calling him a feckless wimp for seven years, so that’s nothing new. They’re now claiming he really doesn’t care or get emotional about the deaths of 21 babies. I guess it’s progress in that it’s progressively worse.
Conservatives…truly the boil on the ass of humanity.
I detest conservatives, more every day.
St. Ronnie was remembering what he’d witnessed when he served during WWII. When he made Army training films in Hollywood.