Discussion: Conservatives Are Gearing Up For Fight Of Their Lives After Gay Marriage Ruling

Discussion for article #237993

The GOP base will be fired up in 2016; can we say the same about us?


They’re leading their campaign with an issue that goes more against them every time the question is polled. Please proceed. idiots.


Their stance is so retrograde (on any social issue) it’s absurd and horrifying. And for what? For the votes of the 20% of the country that is so bigoted they’d rather do ANYTHING that walk into the 21st century? Amazing.


¨Alito noted the high court’s 1983 decision to revoke the tax-exemption of Bob Jones University in South Carolina because it barred interracial dating. Alito asked if the government would take such action against religiously affiliated schools that oppose same-sex marriage. Verrilli said, “It is certainly going to be an issue. I don’t deny that.” ¨

Well, yes, discrimination against couples for interracial dating was wrong, as would be discrimination against couples for being the same sex. Are conservatives saying that religious organizations should be able to discriminate in the latter case, but not in the former? Or is it just because they can’t get enough bigots anymore on their side in the case of interracial dating?


crickets. Past the primary, all of the positions to which the GOP base will have driven their candidates will be their doom in the general.


I have to say that I love this picture. It really captures his complete inability to actually speak. He never makes any sense.

The other pic of him that I like is the one where he is smiling. That one demonstrates that he can smile only with his mouth. He has no joy, no kindness, no friendliness; so disingenuous that the smile almost looks like the onset of crying.


What did we tell the religious objectors after Loving vs Virginia? The Old Testament is stuffed with enough anti-miscegenation stuff to make any religious racist cackle like Woody Woodpecker.


Just remember: If the Rightie Fundies, their FOXbot pundits and their depraved Republican enablers discriminate against you in ever facet of your life, it is “religious freedom”…however, if you become fed up with it and dare to say, ~gasp!~ “Enough” and fight against it, then YOU are guilty of “religious persecution.”
See how that works? "How dare YOU, real flesh and blood person, insult my great Imaginary Friend in the sky! "


force them to participate in activities

I’m sorry, Mr. & Mrs. Fizzlson, but, walker or no, you are legally required to wear the sparkily G-strings and dance to some House Techno while denying Jesus in front of your whole family…

When can we stop pretending that most people who
oppose same sex marriage do so based on that it “violate[s] their deeply held religious beliefs?” Most of them do so based on their deeply held ignorance and/or hate. Their religion just gives them cover.


None of this is even about religious institutions. Religious institutions are already exempt. This is about people who demand that the U.S. operate as a theocracy.

Running a bakery is not practicing religion, it’s practicing commerce. It’s a business. If they want to practice commerce they need to do so according to business laws that every other business is subject to.

There is no legal religious test as to who may and may not adopt children. If they want to participate in placing adopted children then they need to do so according to family law.

If these quasi-religious entities don’t want to follow established law, then stay the hell out of commerce and family planning.



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Still, Michael Moreland, a vice dean and professor at Villanova
University School of Law, said the concern over losing tax-exempt status
is “a real one.”

Here is their Achilles tendon. Let’s see how far they are willing to go to “protect” their bigotry.


Every time I look at that weaselly little prick Piyush Jindal, I’m reminded that his backward state gets 10+billion $$$ annually in federal support to keep it afloat in myriad ways, and yet he rails against the Big Gummit’ intruding into our lives. And he rejected Medicaid coverage for the poorest in his state while railing (sputtering actually) against the ACA, all the while governing (if it could be called ‘governing’) one of the most unhealthy and poorest states in this republic.

What a laughable, fu*king moron he is.


Yay you! Love it!

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Keep digging GOP.

Beijing is down there somewhere and the under 50 vote is watching.


I gotta say, as an Atheist, this new term “deeply held religious beliefs” is about the most ridiculous concept I’ve ever heard. There is no measure. There is no baseline. There is no check and balance. It is such a non-concept that it quite literally can be used as a defense for anything and everything. Worse, this “deeply held religious beliefs” nonsense never has to have any continuity. It could mean one thing to one person and something entirely different to another and it could take on a myriad of meanings to various members of the same religious community.

And what about those of us that don’t indulge in these fantasies? Are we shown the way to Shit’s Creek?

This whole phrase encapsulates the idiocy of the American Right. They foist this word salad out there as if it fucking means something and expect legal scholars and politicians and activists and normal citizens to take it seriously as a basis for running society.

Or, put another way, fuck these fucking fucks.


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Playing the persecuted victim is a time-honored conservative tradition; it’s part and parcel of the brand. They can’t really survive without it.