Discussion: Conservative Writer Explains Why White House's 'Game Of Thrones' Photo Was 'Disturbing'

The only picture these people would be happy with is President Obama sitting in a tree wearing a loin cloth with a banana in his mouth. That is the way the majority of republicans see President Obama. Why don’t the republican party just quit pretending that they don’t hate the President because he is black.


So you think the crossbow is dangerous??? Wait 'til you see what hatches from those eggs on the coffee table.


How many wads of panties do you have to have stuffed up your ass to come up with this take?


Anyone else notice that Lofti referred to our nation as a “constitutional republic” and not a “representative democracy”? What is it about democracy and these tiresome right-wing miscreants. Maybe they should drop all pretense and refer to democracy as “that form of government that must not be named.”


So, the explanation is that he’s a paranoid partisan hack, who would find equally “disturbing” a My Little Pony themed photoshoped spoof image of the President?

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“Could you imagine if George Bush’s administration posted such a picture?”

Every time a Democrat mentions Bush, he is criticized for living in the past.

Just another case of IOKIYAR.

And they say the left lacks a sense of humor? Projectionism, they name is “Republican”.

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First, those familiar with the series know all too well the nature of kings found within Game of Thrones. The kings have all been ignorant, insane and ruthless murderers, as Tywin Lannister, a central antagonist, puts it.

Jeez, these morons never know when they’re being trolled. “Ignorant, insane and ruthless murderer” is pretty much how you dummies describe Obama. To Republicans, he’s both brilliantly maniacal and dumb as a stump, weak and a tyrant, a lawless thug and a feckless leader. The joke is on you and it always has been.


Uncertain what the president of a constitutional republic would find appropriate, but obviously the President of a constitutional democracy had no problems with this.


He’s offended because the people of Westeros, like Republicans, are white, so he can’t figure out how a guy who’s darker than a Dothraki ended up on the Iron Throne.

Why can’t Democrats appreciate real humor. Like a picture of GWB looking under his couch for the missing weapons of mass destruction that were the causus belli for a war that left thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead, dismembered, maimed, and neurologically wounded.


If the photo had a “My Little Pony” theme, he would be denouncing it as an attempt by Obama to indoctrinate our children.


Beat me to it.

LOST: One sense of humor. May be in presence of sense of proportion, also lost. If found, please return to Michael Lotfi. No reward offered, you moochers.


While Mr. Lotfi is certainly entitled to his feelings, he is an idiot. I’m sure he was OK with the “Mission Accomplished” sideshow a few years ago, but let a dirty Democrat make a little joke! High treason! Inconceivable!!! What a jackass…


Dick Cheney = Roose Bolton?

They should get on to more important things…like repealing ObamaCare…

Maybe he married Tommen. I mean, isn’t that the conservative meme: That Obama wants to destroy traditional marriage and force us to gay-marry each other? :slight_smile:

Tywin Lannister would have Dick Cheney for lunch!

Better; but wasn’t it the bastard son, Ramsey who was really into torture? Oh, excuse me, enhanced interrogation.