Too bad they didn’t have Daenerys and her dragons there…Maybe she could convince them to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour…Obama should send her to the House…
The sigil of House Bolton is the Flayed Man. Let’s just say that Ramsey comes by his proclivities for a reason.
I don’t know why such a bunch of He-Man Women-Haters talk like such pants-wetting cowards.
Oh good lord.
What on earth is there to say to this level of stupidity?
Humorless because many take the conservative memes about Obama’s imperial aspirations seriously.
Aren’t we a Federal Republic? We are a union of self-governing states with a centralized “federal” government without a monarch.
They may hate the federal government when a Dem is in office, but that doesn’t make its existence any less real when you read the constitution.
A Crossbow on the table? Oh, my!! The horror!
A gun would have been a more pleasing prop I suppose?
Puh-leeese. I wish that Obama was that ruthless. We probably have an efficient government. The irony is, however, is that Obama is more representative of the Starks and the Congressional Republicans are the Lannisters.
When you have to rely on Dennis Miller and Rush Limbaugh as your entertainment sources, you can forget what a joke is after a while.
He could have still watched the CSPAN video of the WH Correspondents dinner online, like I did. He probably doesn’t know people can do that.
Everyone in the GOP contributes to the joke.
He’s a moran who should get a brain. But he won’t.
I guess the sacred right to bear arms does not extend to medieval weaponry. A pity.
Ah, yes, and the unbelievably racist image of Obama as a witch doctor that was making the rounds in high level GOP circles pre- ACA was LOFLMAO and anyone who said otherwise was a humorless PC librul intent on suppressing free speech.
(I refuse to link to the pic. Google it if you don’t remember it.)
And if you cross a Stark with a Targaryen, you get . . . Jon Snow.
The phrase “Lighten up Francis” applies here.
It’s “disturbing” because it reminds the wingnuts that, no matter how hard they wished otherwise, Mitt Romney isn’t the one sitting in that thorny chair.
“Conservative writer” => “wingnut welfare”
Some kings like kittens, too. So chill out Lotfi.
Why is TPM always giving the “conservative” explanation - they lie, they pontificate and they hate the President - we know that - TPM doesn’t have to give them a place to speak the b.s.
And the comment system at TPM is almost as bad as the GOP talking points - every other day I have to sign in & more often than not there are no comments showing & they block the article - took weeks to do and very poor result.
If the feds can fix the ACA website surely TPM can get a decent comments system - but maybe not.