Discussion for article #242361
A humorless Chris Farley.
Short Priebus: If anything is wrong with us or our principles, its someone else’s fault.
Steve Deace’s picture should be used in the Dictionary definition of “Dick-Head”.
I’m not big on criticizing people for their looks but…
Deace has a face made for radio.
Or Hutt Space.
“Deace-bag” says what?
Man halloweens not for another day…
Now I know what happened to Charlie Brown.
Another half a percent and Reince won’t have to sit at the kid’s table!
When Matt Foley speaks, people listen! And he’s living in a van down by the river! And why are these damned Republicans always so fucking ugly? Between Deace and Priebus, I’ve seen better looking specimens of manhood in the piles left in the back yard by my brother’s Great Dane.
Head and Shoulders, the poster boy for tea baggers everywhere.
What, did Deace eat him?!
What principles?
UGH… beat me to it.
Deace is what became of the Cabbage Patch Dolls! Only with the Curse of Chucky attached!
This article on nothing was just an excuse to get this living caricature back up on the homepage, right? Not that there’s anything wrong with that: It gives me a chuckle whenever I see “Conservative Radio Host” next to his picture. Truth is more hilarious than fiction.
Where’s his neck?
Happy Halloween!!!
Puts Priebus about two points above Deace.