Discussion: Conservative Pundit Dana Loesch: All Bundy Needed Was Some Media Training!

Discussion for article #221954

This gal is a master of circular reasoning. “In other words, smile when you utter racist remarks.”


Yeah, dat’s it! He just needs a PR coach! Dat’s all.
Why didn’t I think of that?


That’s right racists. Y’all have no need to unlearn that there racism. Y’all just need to learn you some code.


Code words you mean.

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So…“I wonder if blacks would be better off as slaves” is merely inarticulate?

Uh-huh. He was just posing a thought experiment, like Einstein did.

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That works. However, If you look up code in the dictionary it works just as well. It just changes according to context. I’m not using it in the programmer’s sense


In other words, it’s okay to be a raging bigot as long as you’re polite about it and use the code words.


The left is SO unfair. Just because a racist hero of the right wing goes off on how wonderful slavery was is NO reason for the left to take advantage. Instead, all we need to do is cleanup his language so he talks about a “culture of entitlement” when referring to other races and “hard work” when he mentions slavery. See - all fixed up now!


Right. I didn’t see your post before posting. My comment were in response to Dana’s awk attempt to defend Bundy before he let all the cattle out.


With a little work, Cliven could be a big star just like Half-Term Sarah!

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He does not need media training. He needs to disarm, pay the money he owes, and shut the hell up about “the Negros.” Oh hell, just shut up entirely.

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IMHO what this old fart needs is to pay his grazing fees or forfeit his property.

What the GOTP needs to do is vet the crazies they rapidly and rabidly embrace as symbols of God Gunz and 'Murican idealz. They cannot have too many toes to shoot off remaining after Sarah, Plumber Joe, Zimmerman, Aikens and now rancher Joe

Dana Losh is one of the more repulsive of the conservative pundits. She has to be more and more ugly just to get attention.

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Well, he did use “negros” for media consumption.

“So dissent with the BLM is racist like dissent with Obamacare is racist?”

No idiot, racist is racist. The other stuff is merely frosting on the cake.


What Bundy needs is a drone strike, nothing more, nothing less.

Well, the guy is right. Bundy has to stop saying what he actually believes.

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Oh, by all means, continue! He’s not being victimized at all, though that’s the first thing the hysterical martyrs on the right wish was true. The first amendment is a wonderful thing. Fringe kooks and bigots can hold forth their nutty opinions, and the less factual they are, the more protected they are by the constitution. Then normal people are able to heap them with they ridicule they deserve. That’s how it works. So by all means, let it flow!


I get it. It’s OK to be a racist and say racists things and advocate racist programs a long as you express it all in a politically correct way. That makes ‘racism’ nothing more than a public relations problem.