Discussion for article #233734
Hey, Jimmy, you grifter -
I got your Poke In Your Fucking Eye Award with me, C’mon over so I can give it to you, you lying sack of shit.
Don’t worry Jimmy, in this media climate you’re just always one disgruntled government contractor away from winning a Pulitzer.
what I heard: grift grift grift
You have to admit David Corn had a large advantage in that what he reported on actually happened. Life is unfair, isn’t it, Jimmy?
Why didn’t you win the Polk Award? Because the award is for investigative journalism, not Candid Camera pranks and selective editing.
He may be referring to the James K. Polk Award. Given annually to a person who does the most for rivers and harbors.
Is the Polk Award given for Outstanding Achievement in Deceptive Editing? No? Then you don’t get one.
yes, voter ID laws prevent non-existent voter fraud.
Bless his heart. Poor thing. He has both mommy and daddy issues and self-esteem and self-awareness deficits. He needs to be under adult supervision.
Hey O’Keefe, get a picture of a Polk Award. Then you can say you have one. It’s good enough for Bill O’Reilly.
Or do you think you are better than the great conservative Bill O’Reilly?
I’m just asking the question…
WhY cannoT I has a TReaT?
So on top of being a malicious fabricator of deception you’re also a pathetic crybaby? Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Have the Koch brothers buy you an award, you pampered rent poodle.
i can never figure out these guys… why would he whine about an award that’s frequently given to reporters from the new york times and cbs… shouldn’t the list of past winners disqualify them as some pinheaded/lefty/socialist outfit in fauxworld.
oh and just a note: Josh Marshall’s blog, Talking Points Memo, was the first blog to receive the Polk Award in 2008 for their reporting on the 2006 U.S. Attorneys scandal.
I’d say James O’Keefe is a shoe in for a Putzpuller Prize!
Here is a good reason…
you dont deserve it
He looks better in the pimp outfit.
“Independent media.” Not like the global multimedia conglomerate that is Mother Jones!
'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wish’d.
Polk Award? more like a Pokey Award : James O’Keefe agrees to pay $100,000 settlement to fired Acorn employee http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/08/james-o-keefe-settlement-acorn
Texas Special Prosecutors: James O’Keefe Video "A Canard And Political Disinformation
http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/04/07/texas-special-prosecutors-james-okeefe-video-a/198786 Conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe was sentenced to three years of probation, 100 hours of community service and a $1,500 fine http://thehill.com/capital-living/in-the-know/100105-filmmaker-okeefe-sentenced-in-sen-mary-landrieu-break-in