Discussion: Conservative Host: Congressmen Who Skip Netanyahu Speech Should 'Hang'

Minus the charm.

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If that old terrorist and racist piece of sht (apologies to sht) is on over-the-air radio the FCC should step in and she should be gone by lunch tomorrow. Yet, since King’s a batsh*tcrazy Rightie Teabagger Loon she will suffer no consequences. I guarantee it. The airwaves swarm with these brain sick, bloviating Rightie and Republican Con artists…and the Con and Bagger backwoods scum tries not to miss a drop of the venom these Wingnut Hate Peddlers inject into the ether.

BTW: Here is how racist POS King described the First Lady: [“Michelle Larue Robinson Obama (Soetoro) is a self-loathing female who’s
gonna make you pay and pay and pay because she grew up hating that she
wasn’t you. Hating that she was born black, grew to be basketball player
tall, had a bulky, un-proportioned, and overweight body, was born
black, big-footed, ashy-skinned, kinky-haired, bug-eyed and bushy
eyebrowed. Did I mention that she was born black, had a cro-magnon lower
jaw, wide nose, and a chip on her even wider shoulders because she was
born black and grew up learning that whitey was the enemy. That it was
all whitey’s fault then, and would ever be.”]

I won’t provide a link to King’s on line cesspool, but you can easily find it. ____THAT’S just a sample of the vile crap that she and her bottomfeeding ilk peddle on Right Wingnut Radio.

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We have successfully “Flushed Rush.” Now we need to turn to the rest of hate mongers. I think this lovely person should be the next boycott target for referencing lynching in discussion African Americans.

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Trouble is, we’ve got the damn snowbanks and ice too.

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You win!! :smiley:

Thank you. Made my day.

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My personal fave is hearing that I’m “misguided”…

WOW. If I had a dog that mentally deranged, I’d put it down.

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The tea party phenomenon – a faux “grass roots” movement … inspired by anarchy-promoting Libertarian extremists, and heavily fertilized with big bucks and B.S. provided by corporate lobbyists and mainstream conservative strategists.

Their recipe: a particularly bitter brew composed of two parts David Duke-inspired racist, two parts Jerry Falwell-inspired self-righteous religious fanatic, one part greedy corporate upper management, two parts ‘sovereign citizen’ and revolutionary wannabe, and three parts ignorant homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic Joe 6-pack lemming.


These people hate everybody who isn’t a torture-loving, education-hating Evangelical Christianist Republican, but most of all they hate everybody who doesn’t fit their definition of “white.”

Ms King does not realize many wish she could be in the tree too.

Retarded and ugly to boot. She has it all for a Teabagging nutjob.

But but… The GOTP wants to take us back to the 1950’s so she still believes her KKK minions will rule again.

And these are the ‘conservative’ hosts. She is actually holding back and moderating, conservative style.
Although she doesn’t realize it and would never admit, this is what a racist looks like, acts like and is like.
Andrea Shea King is an awful person, Floridians should be ashamed of her.

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She would look much more elegant and nondescript in her garb of choice – Klanwear

“Our lives are on the line, and all they can think of is skin color”-
Classic projecting of her own fears on others, since all SHE is talking about is skin color.

I have known people like this who advocate serial murder and say the ugliest genocidal things one minute, but are on their knees in prayer the next.

If I ever commit a serious crime, I know I don’t want this woman on my jury… and I’m white.

And this one always has two slices!

To the woman in the pic: Sweetie, you do not have the proper equipment to do any teabagging.

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I sincerely hope the Secret Service checks into this person’s intentions, her accomplices … I mean who she cavorts with, that sort of thing. While I snicker at this obvious racist’s histrionics, I am genuinely concerned those words will fall upon the ears of some who are more-so not altogether “there” than she is – of course, she would never murder or maim … but she sure as hell doesn’t mind calling out the orders to the truly deranged among us. This female should lose her right to the airwaves if all she is going to do is call for the murder of our fellow Americans. Who are her sponsors? – Do they support this type of “rhetoric?”


(Apologies to Angela Lansbury)

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