Discussion: Conservative Group Uses Aurora Shooting Image Of Obama In Obamacare Attack Ad

Discussion for article #221927

Stay classy Republicans.


Using that pic has the added benefit of reminding the base that Obama (and, by extension, Udall) is “coming for your penises-uhhh, GUNS!”


Stay? When have they ever been classy?


Sarcasm meter on the fritz?

AFP proves once again that it’s a organization fully stocked with brain dead morons!

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The Kochtopus Empire: fearlessly exploring the little known sub-atomic scale zone known as “lower than the NRA.”


Mark Udall, voted for Obamacare…which helped 10 million previously uninsured Americans get affordable health insurance. What a despicable human being. ; )


Looks to be more of a case of idiomfail. Happened to me constantly the first time I watched “The Maltese Falcon.” When Bogie rattled out “Sorry I got up on my hind legs, boys, but you fellas tryin’ to rope me made me nervous. Miles gettin’ bumped off upset me, and then you birds crackin’ foxy, but it’s all right now, now that I know what it’s all about,” my roommate and I were both like “whaaaaa . . .?” Had to rewind and listen about three times before we figured out what he meant. (Yeah, sure, it’s easy when you see it in writing.)


Grasping at straws much, are we, GOP?

please proceed, afp…

So far Koch’s all three ads fell flat. The shameless Billionaire, I am sure is not going to stop here. He will come out with another falsehood very soon.
Besides, meanness has a limit. Koch does not have that limit either. Can a sensible person, except Koch use (and that too by illegally editing a photograph) a national tragedy as a weapon for political points. It was never even in my wild imagination that the ‘dirty man’s dirty mind’ will be exposed so quickly!

Once again the Kochs prove they don’t have any respect for the people they are targeting with their dumbass ads. We are lucky they don’t know how to use their money effectively.

Koch suckers have no shame

A more honest name for that Koch group would be :
the Prosperous Against Americans.

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Unfortunately, though they may be heartless, conscienceless and beneath contempt, they are not stupid. It is their base that is stupid and will notice only the ad, not that it was pulled for good reason. The Koch-suckers knew there would be a reaction and they’d pull the ad, but not before it had the desired effect. Kind of like when the judge says, “The jury is instructed to ignore the witness’s last statement…” Yeah, right.


“In response to the ad, Udall’s campaign manager, Adam Dunstone, called for the senator from Colorado’s likely GOP opponent, Rep. Cory Gardner, to call for the ad to be taken off the air.”
Word salad anyone?

The Koch Heads and their supporters are scum. Period.

Let us remember the immortal words that remind us what the AFP and those like them represent: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

They have no sense of decency. They have no sense of shame. They have conceded everything to their own greed and self-importance, though they seek to mask this fact (perhaps even from themselves) by the tinny self-righteousness of libertarian ideology.

OMG!, kochtopus. I love it!,