Discussion: Conservative Group Sues NC Elections Board Over Same-Day Registrations

The primary reason for all the shenanigans in North Carolina is to (1) delegitimize Roy Cooper’s win, and (2) set things up so in the next legislative session the super-majorities of Republicans in both houses can pass even nastier restrictive voting laws.


North Carolina is the home to the only violent government coup d’état in US history.

I guess we should be happy that their coups are the “legal” sort now.

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@k_in_va–And if they can actually steal the election (not an unrealistic scenario, given an arcane corner of the NC Constitution), so much the better.

Suing is easy; this will be laughed out of court.

Art Pope and his minions really are fucking shameless.


If the people of North Carolina committed 5,000 acts of voter fraud this year, then my assumptions about the slow pace of southern life are all wrong.


Oh man I really despise these *&^()^ fkers…Patriots indeed!

Well, thank god. It would be a mockery of our soldiers overseas protecting our way of life if they didn’t do this.


Wait until Donnie packs the Federal District Courts with RWNJ judges. Suits like this will be easy peasy!


“To count ballots without verification of same-day registration information discriminates by treating one class of voters differently from another.”

Right. Treat one class of voters differently from another so that you don’t discriminate by treating one class of voters differently from another.

Voters who didn’t use same-day registration for this election did not have their addresses verified by mail before their ballots were counted.


Authoritarians don’t like to give up power and now that one is in the Whitehouse, state level authoritarians are going to have more power.

On the plus side, looks like Wisconsin won one:
Wisconsin rules GOP gerrymandering violates Democrats’ rights


And Kris Kobach will happily assist them from inside the Trump White House.

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I will repeat here: This is a state totally dominated by a GOP at every level. McCrory lost, amazingly, in the midst of a Trump victory and a Burr victory…he lost. He already lost and despite the best efforts of the GOP machine statewide to keep THOSE people from being able to vote - best efforts that the courts found were designed “with surgical precision” to block minority voters. But by God, he and the GOP machinery in NC are going to do everything they can, legal or otherwise, to try and steal back his loss with claims of fraud and unqualified voters.

These are not nice people. They do not play by rules unless the rules are theirs, and even then they will try and switch the results.


Nazi Rule.

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Where are the right wing Fox Viewers and Kellyanne and Mitch to say

Sore losers. The People Have Spoken. We are all one team now. We all live in a Yellow Submarine.

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speaking of voting fraud, this is a classic example of it, by the republicans of course. oddly enough, the majority of voter fraud cases that have actually been brought, involve republicans. talk about projection. we now know that any time a republican claims someone else is doing something wrong, go look at the republican, and most likely, you will actually find that wrong doing being done. they are just barkingly transparent.


People living in the South aren’t lazy bumpkins like the stereotype you’re propitiating.


He is now down by 6,600 votes. Not 5,000 any longer. I am so angry about this that I can hardly speak. Here is a petition to sign. please share it! LINK TO PETITION

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This is how the D’s should be fighting against herr drumpf’s theft.
But hillary and Co. are more worried about how they might be percieved to fight for the people of this country and so they will sell us out and then feel smug as to how they placed procedure over honesty.

Challenge every vote in every state and lock this election up until 2020.
Senate should filibuster any certification and when it comes to the budget in Dec. either a Progressive budget with every progressive idea one could dream of for the next 2 years plus law requiring complete tax returns from all candinates retroactively before they are allowed to take office or crash the system by blocking and vetoing anything less and let the country and world go into default.
At least this would would prevent the poisoning of the world by the coups policies and keep the ********* away from the nuclear button.
Then pursue RICO charges against the thuglicans for intimidation and theft.
Throw in some patriot act charges and ship the entire party off to the deserts of Iraq and leave them to the tender mercies of those they victimized.
But never happen because the D’s are gutless cowards who don’t care about humanity just there place in the elites pantheon of good losers.