Discussion: Conservative Group Attacks Landrieu On Obamacare By Citing Veterans' Healthcare

Discussion for article #224846

unfortunately these kind of misleading attacks have become par for the course from the Koch brothers,

That’s perfect. Just pull the curtain back every single time. Keep it up. As horrible as they are as people, they make an easy and instant target. USE IT.


Shorter Koch Brothers: Forcing Americans to get their healthcare provided through a private insurance market and through private hospitals is awful, which is why we should force veterans into privatized healthcare.

Even shorter Koch Brothers: We think people are stupid enough to believe us.


Why aren’t these veterans asking the Republican Party why it repeatedly attempts to scuttle all Congressional bills aimed at providing more funds for veterans healthcare, jobs, education and housing?


Exactly, which is why someone should run an ad right away highlighting this rather than hoping no one is paying attention.


In the picture at the top of this post:
The man shown with his uniform shouldn’t there be a combat unit patch on the left shoulder of the man’s uniform if he served had actually in combat? From what I can tell from his ribbons it looks like he could have served in Iraq or Afghanistan.
I’m a former Marine and always thought if you served in actual combat you wore the unit’s patch either on your right or left shoulder.
Correct me if I’m wrong!

I think now would be a good time for Landrieu to point out that some veterans would benefit from MEDICAID EXPANSION which is - goddamit!!! - part and parcel of Obamacare.


Clearly, President Obama is responsible for decades – if not centuries – of shafting veterans.

He was responsible for wounded veterans living in rotting, rat-infested shacks at Walter Reed in 2007.

Also responsible for the Bonus Army that marched on Washington in 1932, demanding back pay.

And don’t forget how he demobilized the Continental Army without pay in 1781.

Our nation has a long, shameful tradition of paying lip service to veterans when they’re running towards bullets, and then telling them to STFU when the fighting stops.

Trying to pin blame on the current administration counts on Americans being shockingly ignorant of history.

(Which, sadly, many are.)


What on earth does the VA clinic backlogs have to do with private health insurance purchased through the Obamacare exchanges?


Its bad enough they’re beating a dead horse, but to use the Government Run BS at this point is just weird. Only the dumbest and craziest still believe that line, and they are already firmly on the same side. They need to convert non-crazies to their cause but they won’t do it by going all super-crazy. Well, I’ll just be glad they’re incompetent.

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“She’s been a leader in opposing the Obama Administration’s new EPA regulations”

And this is a good thing (never mind it is 100% irrelevant to the issues of the VA or healthcare)…?

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Never. Gonna. Happen. The democratic response to the reichwing disinformation and propaganda campaigns is a weak brew at best. I keep hoping for a coordinated, hard-hitting offense against the rising tide of fascism. All I ever see is half-hearted defense.

Landrieu’s retort to the Kock Bros. fusillade is wasted breath. In the same response she touts her sucking on the tail pipe of the oil and gas industries and puffs herself up with pride for opposing EPA regulations and calling for General Shinseki’s resignation. General fucking Shinseki…the man served his country with great honor and stood up to a corrupt administration in time of war. He came out of a comfortable retirement to serve his country once again and was handed a massive job to shore up the VA against a GOP refusal to increase funding for new hospitals and other veterans’ benefits.

Senator Landrieu is a reliable yea vote on most measures to improve good government and the lives of the average citizen…but WTF do the oil and gas industries along with Shinseki’s resignation have to do with the fact that the VA is screwed up in large part because of republican efforts to strangle government and drown it in a bathtub?




So misleading, because the ACA isn’t government run healthcare it is run by for profit health insurance companies.


As stated here, Landrieu is one of the Koch boys biggest type friends in a round-about way when it comes to oil and gas industry in the gulf…sooo, why do they think this is a good strategy other than its all about flipping the Senate. This has very little to do with actual issues or concern for the VA. And all Landrieu has to state is that had the Republicans in Congress voted to fund the VA as was up for a vote awhile ago, much of the problems to modernize the VA would have been possible to mitigate some of these problems. The only ones standing in the way of this progress are the Rs, so what a bunch of hooey this latest attempt to conflate the VA with the ACA really is. This is what happens when you try to drown gov’t in a bathtub assholes. You reap what you sow. They have only themselves to blame.


[quote=“SRfromGR, post:14, topic:6717”]
This is what happens when you try to drown gov’t in a bathtub assholes. You reap what you sow. They have only themselves to blame. [/quote] Hey GOP - Be proud. YOU built this.


I wish you were wrong but you’re not. I am so disgusted with this democratic party.

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In the army we wear the unit patch of the unit in which we served in combat on our right shoulder.

Where is this ad misleading? The Obama administration has screwed-up in the VA scandal as much or even worse than in the Obamacare rollout, for which we yet have to feel the real fallout. And Landrieu wants more of this crap.

Funny to see the usual crowd complaining about the VA budget, which has more than doubled in the past 9 years, wish they get their facts straight once in a while.

At the same time bush was sending in troops to fight his ego boosting war he should have also been planning enhanced VA services for the soldiers who would emerge needing care. But no. He went to war with the veterans’ health services he had because after all it was just going to last days or weeks or a few months. President Obama inherited a mess after the bush administration on so many fronts, and this is just one of them.


Another Koch propaganda failure. Not all vets feel this way about their VA care. I’m a Vietnam vet who receives care through the VA. I’m impressed by the dedication and professionalism of the physicians, staff and volunteers at my VA facility.