Discussion for article #240068
“stupid and insulting” is the entire RNC platform.
You know, it really starts my day off on the wrong foot to find I agree with a Fox commentator.
No one other than Trump would be able to mount a third party challenge. Not even Jeb!
Not only is it stupid and insulting, but it makes whoever signs it look weak.
its as stupid as the Loyalty Oaths were back in the '50s… the Commies happily signed them and the people that refused were treated to Black Lists because they were now KNOWN to be Commies by standing up for their rights…
Gee, wouldn’t that be a great meme to post on FB?? The GOP is in favor of Commie tactics, like Loyalty Oaths.
I like it!!! How soon can one be made up?
WRONG! CHristIE sIGNEd and is ONE OF the STrongest REPUBlican CANdidates. WEaK? HE COULd defEAT YOU IN COntesTs OF BOTh STrength AND SKILL: MMA, INDiaN LEg WresTLING, BEndING STEEL BArs, COmpETItive eATing, PResIDentiaL Politics. The LISt GOES oN anD ON. HE MAY seem DowN NOw, BUT slOW and STEaDY wiNS the RAce.
It is stupid. It sounds like something 12 year old boys do when they’re outside playing.
You’re right … is there spitting on palms before the handshake involved?
It’s meant to have an appeal. A political stunt. And you’re right…to someone with a 12 year old mind.
Like: “No Girlz Aloud”
lol… I got kicked off FB because I wouldn’t show them my papers…
You forgot Christie’s main athletic strength–Sumo wrestling.
It makes those demanding it look weak.
What is with the GOP and all these pledges? Seems like they want every candidate to be totally the same in every way. And i nwriting.
no… his main strength is EATING like a Sumo… he seems like the kind of guy that will skitter away like a roach when someone asks him to actually step outside…
It’s not spit in their palms…but it rhymes with it…
It’s a social media event…like a ‘Like’ on FB.