Discussion: Conservative Columnist: 'I Regret' Championing Sarah Palin

Discussion for article #232594

“premature deification”, that sounds bad !


Slow learner.


that won’t stop him from being wrong over and over again.


Too bad! I really get a kick out of the notion that Sarah Palin is a real player in GOP politics. I hope she hangs in there!


It will be sad to see Sarah go away. She is fundraising gold for the left. She opens her mouth and I write a check. Alas, nothing last forever.


Welcome to the party, Matt. You’re only 7 years late but you did FINALLY admit you were wrong, which puts you head and shoulders above the average conservative, to say nothing of losers like Romney!


Matt, I just wanna thank you for showing up when my house was on fire in time to save the weeds growing around the charred foundation.

Hey, have you come to a conclusion about Todd Akin and that ‘legitimate rape’ thing yet? My guess is he was a gullible asshole in the House but I’m always jumping to conclusions. We need a sober, methodical intellect like yours.


Behold the powers of Superhindsightman!


If your deification lasts more than four hours, call a doctor.


I’m embarrassed to say so but I disappointed lots of women with that problem in my youth. Fortunately, I got better.


Palin also entered “fad” territory by “playing the victim card, engaging in identity politics, co-opting some of the cruder pop-culture references, and conflating redneck lowbrow culture with philosophical conservatism,”

So…she’s bucking for a gig at the Daily Caller?


I dunno, as good as Trailer Park Sarah is for raising money for Democrats, she is also polluting the culture and the body politic at an alarming rate. As many crazy and stupid Republican ideas and toxic personalities as there are to raise money off of, I would rather that the poison be removed from the political waters, whenever possible. So go away Sarah. You’ve been unmasked, found out; your soul has been exposed for all to see, and it’s dogshit.


‘‘You’re of no use to us anymore…so under the bus you go!’’

Seriously, she hasn’t gotten that much more incoherent since John McCain was first coerced into standing next to her. But she’s become a joke that just won’t go away, so they have to take her out back and ‘‘put her out of her misery.’’


Conflating redneck lowbrow culture with philosophical conservatism," Lewis argued.

I’m fairly certain that “redneck lowbrow” is conservatism in it’s highest form.


No kiddin’, Gomer?

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Ya think? Talk about being a day late and a dollar short. One would think the drunken family brawls, the word salad interviews, the perpetual state of victimhood, and inebriated speeches would’ve clued you in to the fact that Palin is nothing more than a waste of perfectly good, beauty supply store extensions.


I can only imagine how much a new infusion of cash for another round of political “Wheel of Fortune” for the 2016 election has contributed to Lewis’ sudden change of heart. I’m sure he’s not alone, having just read the close to $1 billion that soon will be sloshing around in Washington. Its a fucking grifter’s paradise.

In Michigan we always joke that there’s only two seasons…Winter and Road Repair (at least that was before Gov. Nerd took over…now we’re down to only winter).
In Washington DC there’s only two seasons too…Campaign Season and Time to Cash in the Checks.

I’m sure so many of these rightwing political operatives/consultants have already submitted their resumes to either Karl Rove or the Koch Brothers’ Intricate Pyramid Scheme for another round of “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire”. The competition must be fierce for all those stockpiles and oodles of cash. They probably can smell the ink on those greenbacks and see the holographic security strip from miles away. With dollar signs in their eyes, these players have all been stoked for another round of Greed-fest '16.

There’s gold in them thar hills…

But let’s face it…Santorum, Huckafuck, Carnival Cruz, and Poodlehead all say essentially the same weird word-salad shit every other day, but who’s really bothering to listen…


The real tell that the GOP is really serious about purging her from their ranks will be if/when McCain finally denounces her.


An epiphany delayed is an epiphany derided.