Don’t know if we can buy this analysis, but Cracked magazine in the last election tried to predict who would be President using a bunch of little known signposts along the way that no one would think of besides Cracked perhaps…
Or…we could just go with Western Illinois University where they have successfully predicted every presidential election since 1975 with 100% accuracy…and in November of 2015 predicted Bernie Sanders would beat Hillary for the Dem. nomination and go on to win the White House. OOoops. Guess they weren’t 100% accurate. Sucks to be them this year…
Or…we could just go with this little guy, Gnocchi the squirrel.
He got the Obama win correct in 2008 and blew it in 2012 when he picked Romney. But hey, in his defense, one out of two ain’t bad.
Forget these dumb predictions. Just make sure you show up at the polls and get out and vote. You never can be too sure.