Discussion for article #227749
The land of IntelligenceLost but DumbFound.
REaLITY CAn’T DEBunK COnserVATIve TRuths BEcauSE LIBtards LIve IN AN aLTERnative REaliTY WHere faCtS aRE faCTUaL raTHER than WOrdS thaT come OUt OF my mouTH!!!1!111!ONE!!!111!!
Although, from an epidemiological point of view, wouldn’t we as a society want the undocumented to have access to health care? Beyond the humanitarian aspect, there’s also the practical problem of having a pool of tens of millions of people outside of the system when some random epidemic comes down the pike.
Liars gonna lie.
They do. Illegal immigrants are one of the largest groups that use Emergencies Rooms when in need of care.
Debunked, not debunked. Doesn’t matter.
You can safely bet good money that, by the end of today, Wilson will be on some radio show somewhere explaining with his endlessly tortured logic how the White House throwing the undocumented off their insurance plans is actually conclusive proof that “Obamacare” is giving free health insurance to illegal immigrants.
Facts and Reality…
Kryptonite to the GOP / Teabagger set.
Not if you’re a republican…
Mexico and Central America have a far better immunization record than the U.S. Things like TB tend to be very isolated. Thankfully. Community health care centers don’t care about citizenship for treatment. Hey to Carlo!
The now infamous “You lie!” comment was just one outburst of a hundred billion quips of Obama Derangement Syndrome(ODS) since then. Fortunately there’s now a known cure with 100% efficacy. It’s called StopwatchingFoxNewsyoufuckingmorons®, and now even comes in pill form. Ask your local doctor for details.
I’m pretty sure that emergency rooms don’t typically immunize.
One would hope that the Rs would realize that, say, drug-resistant TB can get past the gate to their subdivision.
Actually, they may offer it over the counter, but ACA insurance will not be allowed to pay for it
Epidemiology is not a synonym with immunization. But the larger point Elephant​In​The​Room brought up is valid. It ends up costing us all more by not covering undocumented immigrants than allowing them to purchase coverage, because of ER visits, etc.
I think Elephant is on the side of getting rid of the “illegals”, not giving them insurance. And he was suggesting that “illegals” are covered through emergency rooms; I was trying to point out that emergency rooms don’t provide broad based healthcare, per se.
What does one comment have to do with the other? It’s a fact that non-citizens are not being allowed a subsidy to purchase insurance (which is idiotic, who do they think is growing and cooking our food and cleaning our houses and offices) and it’s just speculation by we don’t even know the source that abortions are being paid for with federal money (which if more women voted that would not be an issue). WTF TPM?
You didn’t do the “!!!#@@@” right.