Discussion: Congressman Whose Amendment Ended Federal Gun Research: “I Have Regrets”

Oh, Republicans are perfectly fine with facts and research…as long as they reinforce their view of the world.

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Yeah I have regrets to you coward…I regret having to ever have had a single thought in my head that because of cowards like yourself I have to worry about my children being massacred because some low life looser can get his hands on 15 plus guns and unlimited amounts of ammunition because they think…“I’s gots to protect my famblie from the gubment comin and takin my’s 50 caliber rifle aways from me so I can fight of the US military when we haves losts our freedumb"s” BURP!

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Did he then break into his Elvis impersonation and start singing “But I did it myyyyyy way!!”?

Because having to re-think their gun positions and climate change positions means they may have to consider Noah’s Ark never happened. This is unacceptable.

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How does that blood feel and taste Dick-ey…

Regrets? He has a few, but then again…

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(Rep. Dickey is seated to the immediate right of U.S. President Bill Clinton in the photo above, during an Oct. 19, 1993 meeting in the Cabinet Room)

TPM: Whomever is sitting to Clinton’s immediate right is out of the picture’s frame.


Those sweet, sweet nothings mumbled by Wayne “LaLa” LaPierre.

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But hey, the gun groups probably paid for a new deck on the back of your house.

So, you know, it all evens out.

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Sure they can, and they should. Research should always be independent of advocacy. When advocacy is not independent of research, we get news stories like “drug company is shocked, shocked to discover that their FDA-approved drug causes babies to be born without arms.”


It is a sobering reflection to realize you’ve directly contributed to your nation’s deep ignorance about a life-and-death matter, isn’t it?


(Well … ‘Whoever’ actually. Nominative case in the subordinate clause.)

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I enjoy how partisan and political that sounds. You can only do research if it goes our way. Research can go all manner of ways and it has been for the worst that we do not have high quality stuff out there. What sort of control works best, what types of training courses work best to promote safety and so on.

The NRA does not even know if the various classes they have are effective…


Justice O’Connor has regrets. The Bush years.
Fat lot of good regrets do us now.


House Speaker John Boehner
defended the lack of governmental research by saying
“A gun is not a disease.”

I beg to differ with Speaker Boehner.
Guns are a cancer on society.



Perhaps the answer is there be two Houses of Representatives- one for all current representatives that we give over to the lobbyists and the NRA to own and manage as they see fit but no actual power to pass real laws, and the second House, the real one composed of former representatives like Dickey who have actual lawmaking power that the American people get to have as their own real House of Representatives.

Regrets won’t bring back the dead, did he give back all the money he took from the gun lobby,regrets,screw him.

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Oh yeah…another short sighted Republican (or really it could be a Dem) that put forth legislation for political gain. Call me SHOCKED.

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FFS, I hope he got more than that…
