Just another soul-less GOP multi-millionaire looking to use Other people’s money to stroke his bigly ego…
Next thing you know, he will be bragging about beating up women.
Montanans can go fuck themselves. With this stupid plug, no less.
Dear Friend
I hope you join me in supporting might makes right. Though not in the case of Rand Paul’s neighbor of course. Although the RNC raised millions for my pure campaign last year, I’d like to take the time to remind you that if you don’t contribute to my campaign, cowards and commies - I mean feminist former fetuses - will take over the state and make you have clean water and air. Lend your crucial support to my campaign and donate.
Yeah I’m not too confident in Tester’s re-election considering they put this douchenozzle into office.
I think you’ve helped me to realize that this turd, and the Trump turd are really America’s National symbol, the bald ego.
Very small point but I think you’re referring to Rand Paul’s neighbor not Ryan’s.
Stick him with spigot
Roast him slowly
stick him with a fork numerous times to see if he’s done.
Throw more wood on the fire.
When well done, feed him to wildlife.
Too many Pauls and not enough Sauls?
Textbook example of the Republican id at its nastiest, most violent prone worst.
This arse hole also LIED in his police report…Am told that the Good people of Montana are working hard to eliminate the fraud and crook…ASAP…
Thank you to the sharp-eyed poster who pointed out the previous error
…and any DEMOCRAT that thought he was in the least bit sincere in his ‘apology’ should have their head examined. C’MON Montana.
There’s a wide swath of voters who totally relate to and wish for physical violence in their twisted world. We’re naive to think that simply pointing out what a raging asshole this guy is will change the mind of his supporters. What they regret most is that he didn’t break the reporter’s bones when he slammed him to the floor. The republican party has devolved into a Jerry Springer, trailer trash group that cares nothing for law and order, only about forcing their will on others and getting their way. Gianforte is a criminal, and his supporters love him for it.
The Democrats damn well better have a better candidate lined up to run next time. If anybody deserves a thrashing, it’s this central-casting fascist pig
Gianforte is following the GOP mold of Might-Makes-Right political domination. This practice of political domination as opposed to compromise is proving to be the damnation of our entire country.
Did Jacobs ever sue him?
Why isn’t this schmuck in jail, where he belongs?
Yes, the bald ego was dethroned as the national symbol, but it was by the comb-over ego not the turd! Get your facts straight!