Discussion for article #222870
This meme has been out there in the Christofascist BOGosphere for a couple years. He’s preaching to his own out-of-tune choir of Fox-addicted Skeeters.
Stoopid is as, well, stoopid is…
“I probably have more guns and ammo than any one of my competitors because I’m from the country,” he said.
… but upon close inspection it was revealed that he possessed only a very tiny gun … and it had no live ammo - only blanks…
Well, we could start with Timothy McVeigh as a counter argument . . . but his followers aren’t really interested in facts.
The crazy is not going away any time soon.
This idiot meme has been so thoroughly debunked that it’s clear this GOP tool isn’t in the loop of workable Democratic slams.
Below is just a sampling of incidents of right-wing violence. Of course, the biggest attack was the Oklahoma City bombing, a horrible attack driven by political ideology.
Eric Rudolph, the Olympic Park bomber, killed one (and one indirectly) and wounded 111 others. His motive for the bombing, according to Rudolph’s own admission, was political. He also had bombed an abortion clinic in an Atlanta suburb, killing 2 and injuring six. Extremist chatter on the Internet while he was evading capture praised him as “a hero.”
In 1993 Michael Frederick Griffin murdered Dr. David Gunn in Pensacola, Florida. He waited outside Gunn’s clinic and shot him three times, yelling, “Don’t kill any more babies.” He is currently serving a term of life in prison.
A little more than a year later, Paul Hill shot Dr. Bayard Britton in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun. Hill also killed Britton’s bodyguard, retired Air Force lieutenant James Barrett, 74, and wounded Barrett’s wife June, a retired nurse. Hill bragged that “… no innocent babies are going to be killed in that clinic today.”
Anti-abortion terrorist John Salvi carried out two fatal attacks on two abortion clinics in Brookline, Massachusetts in December 1994. Receptionists Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, were killed in the attacks. He escaped but was captured after another clinic attack in which he killed 2 more receptionists on March 19, 1996.
Anti-immigrant vigilantes murdered Raul Flores Jr and his 9-year-old daughter Brisenia at point-blank range in their Tucson, Arizona home in 2009. A month earlier another young girl had died in a gun massacre in which anti-immigrant protestors were implicated.
In 1998, James Kopp shot and killed Dr. Barnett Slepian. Kopp was affiliated with the militant Lambs Of Christ anti-abortion group.
Militia wanna-be Bruce Turnidge went apeshit after Barack Obama was elected in 2008. He and his son, Joshua, succumbed to NRA hype and fear. They built and planted a bomb at a bank in Woodburn, Oregon on Dec. 12th, killing 2 police officers and wounding two others.
George Richard Tiller, MD was murdered inside his church on May 21, 2009 by Scott Roeder, a militant anti-abortion protestor. Tiller had been shot and wounded 16 years earlier by another anti-abortion militant, Shelley Shannon.
Every time I read about one of these people I always hope it is a preview for next season’s Alpha House.
I own guns and I believe that a sane, law abiding American ought to have that right. That rules out this clown.
I just want to since President Obama only has 2.5 years left of two 4 year terms, when exactly he’ll taking those guns. And does he do it personally?
Wasn’t this goober supposed to be in a march on Friday?
Thanks for the info - all of these instances are disturbing reminders of which side resorts to violence when the world doesn’t conform to its view.
We should rename the state Aritucky
So are Democrats crazy assed killers or faint-hearted cowards or crazy assed faint-hearted killer cowards? I’m so confused.
If that was true, half our problem in this country would already be solved. You know, protecting our country from the terrorist law breaking repukin’s reaper ideals and imaginations of taking the gov’t back when they already own it idea. Makes you wonder about those bunk house boys and there barefoot pregnant kitchen slaves. Good thing Dems got a conscious most of the time.
Maybe we should take all the guns away from Democrats. While we’re at it, we should round them up and intern them.
Yup, another stupid cowboy cum jackass from the great state in which I live; where the heat is dry, the dust is made of dirt and Republicans are often mistaken for moribund saguaros in the last stages of putrefaction.
Sadly the crazies have taken over the Republican Party of old. They’ve gone to great lengths to distance themselves from the party of Lincoln and make a new party, the party that helped to preserve the Union and make this nation one again after the Civil War. What isn’t surprising though is the conspiracy theories that have come out of the mouths of those who are supposedly freedom loving, Constitutional upholding, dissent bringing, discoursing loving people who would die to preserve the Union in all its iterations.
Now the Teavangelicals have gone round the bend, they’re milky in the filbert, they’ve become the laughingstock among the world’s diplomats and governments. Yet they continue in their lunacy and inanity, so that they know that they have a purpose in the life of the democracy. Granted they’re nothing if not consistent in their inanity and ludicrousness and lunacy, but the inaccuracies that come from their mouths also show their inability to discern between reality and fantasy. Hopefully in Arizona’s 1st district they return the democratic representative but if not they’ll certainly be hearing from a lunatic in disguise as a hardworking person.
Don’t read the rant at the link below if you’re bothered by the liberal use of profanity. But if you feel like your head may explode the next time you read yet another idiotic, delusional, ridiculous statement by some “conservative” Republican, it may temporarily help you feel better.