We ought to be drug testing our billionaires. If they’re going to dump their money into our political system we should know what chemicals they’re dumping in their mouths (or other orifices).
The double speak needs to be translated. When they say cancellation of “unnecessary regulations,” what they mean is that the feds can no longer restrain the state legislatures from demagoguing and acting against Unemployed workers. They did that here in NC when they shortened the benefit period and reduced the dollar value of the support.
They are removing regulations that prevented the states from over-regulating workers, to workers’ disadvantage!
I’d settle for drug-testing Congress. That would “shut that whole thing down” pretty quick.
I’m totally in favor of testing unemployed white hillbilly heroin addicts in Kentucky and West Virginia. I’m sure that’s exactly who the Republicans were thinking of, amirite?
More Repugnican stupid.
So, this has been thrown out of federal court twice as a violation of due process. It asks the law to presume that if you are poor or unemployed, that you are more likely to be a drug user. Being poor or unemployed is not “probable cause” for what amounts to a search for drugs. What happend in Florida, in particular, is that they found that poor people who applied for aid were LESS likely to use drugs than the general population. That they were more likely to spend their money on food and other necessities. Not only did FL spend millions of dollars on drug testing tht didn’t result in the expeced reduced applicant pool, they came out in debt for the entire program. The only people who made money are the drug testing companies.
More personal freedom from the party of small government.
I’m unemployed and can’t afford artificial joy.
Looking for work also means I don’t partake because a job is more important than a buzz.
drug test Bannon…
PS if you let them have their pot, they can make serious legal income from it. One might actually call it work. Nothing strenuous like picking apples or managing a hedge fund, but honest work nonetheless, as long as it is legal.
Jobs AND joy… two birds with one stone…
Why didn’t this bill need 60 votes to pass in the Senate? Why doesn’t every bill need 60 votes to pass in the Senate? Do Democrats never learn anything?
#gibbous The real money winners were (and will be) lawyers. I predict this will go much the way Scott’s attempt did.
This is one of the reasons the Supreme Court appointment is so important.
#honeyboywilson I don’t know the legal distinction, but this is a measure, not a bill.
Edit. Don’t know how I made this bold, don’t know how to undo it. Sorry.
Politicians in Congress are on the public payroll and so far as I can tell the GOP is heavily on the crack pipe. THEY need to be drug tested!