I made a huge mistake growing up. Every time my parents cornered and questioned me after I messed up, I should have pled Attorney-Client Privilege.
Well, it’s not really to Congress’s advantage to find out what little Trump said to big Trump and vice versa, now, is it? In fact, Congress would be just as happy to learn nothing at all. I mean, they have to go through the motions of investigating, but they don’t really want to find anything out, do they? That might be embarrassing for a large number of people, mostly Republicans.
Boy oh boy, do I have a bone to pick with my law professors and fellow attorneys who’ve misunderstood attorney-client privilege all this time…
Think of all the cases that could be overturned or won’t go forward thanks to Jr schoolin’ everyone!
The news that Donald Trump Jr. invoked attorney-client privilege Wednesday to refuse to testify about a key conversation with his father was met with confusion and some amount of mockery.
As Rangappa put it, “I think that what was really going on with Don Jr. is that he was buying time. When he goes in to testify he’s testifying under oath so he’s getting locked into what he says. And anything he says that could later get disproven would make him liable for perjury.”
The noose tightens, tick, tick, tick.
Rethugliklans in Congress can see the writing on the wall. That’s why they’ve gone into high gear to do everything in their power to make the Mueller probe go away. Protecting Uday is just a very small part of it.
So far the GOP has shown that it can do whatever it wishes. They are a minority party controlling the country, and the Democrats seem unable to do much about it.
Collectively the US has lost it’s mind.
“A lot of questions were asked and answered, and from my perspective all of our questions were answered,” Chairman Mike Conaway (R-TX) said after the seven-hour interview wrapped.
Except, of course, the questions about the continued attempts to cover-up a conspiracy to violate election laws and to collude with Russia in its interference in our democratic processes. But, you know…whatever.
I hope that some one is keeping a “naughty” list. These conversations, meetings, connections to foreigners during our election looks and smells bad, and now with policies being proposed and enacted all those that are complicit with what’s going on should have to face consequences, right Chairman Conaway?
If there is an Attorney within a 5 mile radius, you’re good.
I’m an attorney. Can I count myself?
Yes, but only in the context of this defense.
No doubt, Jim Jordan and that a$$wipe from FL, Geatz. Pathetic.
I am quite sure that when Mueller gets hold of this trump kid that junior will say something epically stupid.
I was not aware that it had been said 1000 times that Conaway had indicated that as to the hearing with Jr. on Wednesday, Conaway considered that all the committee’s questions had been answered. But, I guess I haven’t been paying attention to the 1000’s of reports on that meeting 2 days ago. Run along now, troll.
ETA: Looks like the troll was flagged, so this reply is no longer necessary. Bad troll.
Looks like when the cub is away from the protective mama, he is in grave danger.
"In any event, the Republican-controlled House committee is unlikely to compel the GOP President’s son’s testimony via subpoena. "
This is the problem, watching Franken depart yesterday was awful, but he DID get his shot in on Orange Ass & Moore.
Are you familiar with the term like water off a ducks back?
Teflon Don…??