Unbelievable. $600 billion yearly defense budget and children can’t be protected? Why is child abuse not considered a civilian crime? Is spousal abuse handled the same way?
This crosses Democratic and Republican administrations—could this be part of the problem:
“Inspector general offices are independent entities within federal departments charged with investigating potential problems within agencies. They do not have to accept requests for action from Capitol Hill.”
If they don’t care about sexual assault of servicemembers, at least they’re being consistent. And we wonder where the crazies come from.
This legal and bureaucratic netherworld also extends to the Pentagon’s worldwide network of schools, which afford students fewer protections than public schools if they are sexually attacked by a classmate on campus. The federal law that offers help to victims of student-on-student sexual assault, known as Title IX, does not apply to federal education programs, such as those run by the military.
Well at least DeVoss won’t screw the pooch on this one.
How about we probe Congress on how it plans to prevent child assault by guns?