Discussion: Confessions Of A Teacher Hater

Discussion for article #221430

Wait. Williams is blaming getting mugged on public education? I read essays for a living and that’s what the logic of this presentation suggests.

And the little narrative of victimhood presented here has noting to do with the merits of one or another educational reform. If Williams wants to argue about those reforms, let him do so on the merits. Instead, we get a whiney little rant motivated, apparently, by having been told his TFA experience didn’t give him standing.

Finally, the author is caught in a binary logical trap. He implies that his support of corporatized K-12 education is the only choice given the state of American public education. It does not seem to have occurred to him that it might be possible to reform education within a public context.

The whole piece is a logical mess.


I think you need to go back and read the article again because that sure as hell isn’t the impression I got. Part of the reason he left teaching was because he got mugged not that public education was the cause of his mugging. And the reason he left was psychological problems from the mugging.

The piece is an extended whine that the author “can’t get no respect” and that people are mean to him because he advocates corporatized educational “reform.” He uses his mugging, which has absolutely nothing to do with his position on educational reform, as an appeal for the sympathy of his audience. I repeat: the piece is a logical mess.

Oh good fucking grief never mind. There are people in this place I should know better than to try and engage.

Really? You don’t want to discuss the merits of the piece, but simply attack my ability to read? Then throw up your hands in frustration. You call that engagement?