Discussion: Confederate Statues In Memphis Removed After City Sells Public Parks

C’mon, AP, this story is missing some information - who is “Greenspace”? Much better coverage in the linked article. Maybe the alt-righties can get their tighty-whiteys in a bunch when it comes time to move the sainted remains of Forrest back to their original resting place. It looks as though they got out-maneuvered over the statues, so clearly it’s time to crank up the grievance machine.


So long, farewell, auf weidershen, goodbye!

I’d like to donate a storage shed for the remains.


Gov. Bredesen’s Senate race just got more difficult. You can bet Marsha Blackburn will make an issue of this.

I gotta say – I don’t like this. I mean, for sure, I like that the statues are down, and I get that the state has unfairly frustrated the best efforts of the government and citizens on Memphis, but I don’t like how they did this.

This is eerily reminiscent (in fact, it seems essentially identical to) how many southern states tried to avoid desegregation orders in their schools.

I’m old enough to remember: local jurisdictions would “shut down” their entire school systems, sell everything to a private non-profit, who would then re-open the schools as private schools, and restrict them to whites-only.

(And even besides that – do we want our public parks and lands sold off?)


Damn those private companies forcing their beliefs on us. Bring back a government that forces their beliefs on us!

Actually I’m surprised city’s don’t auction these statues off to confederate lovers that can create their own private confederate history parks.

I can add a slice of humor to this story being a native Memphian, and in currently in town for the holiday. This whole event was covered by the local news in real time last night and it bumped Survivor off local CBS TV, which I find particularly gratifying.
They should relocate the statue to the middle of the Miss. River, but I did get a kick out of Survivor’s 3-hour finale being TOTALLY wiped off TV until 1am (in Memphis). And for almost the entire time, all the local affiliate showed was a crane sitting in the park. Nothing happened for about 2 hours and 45 minutes of the several hour news exclusive.


Survivor didn’t survive, how appaling.

Apologies for not including this:

And for $1000? Real estate is that cheap in Memphis?

Well Marsha needs to step up and buy some land and request the statues for her private/personal park. She could raise some funds or something off it.


She won’t have to worry about funds.

Drumpf: Even corporations, which got huge huuuge tax breaks yesterday, are anti-White. I will rescind their tax breaks.

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You’re talking about a Republican, they need the grift money.

The city had been paying for 24 hour police presence and cameras to protect them while they went through the process to try and go through the state to get permission but could not get timely responses. We have the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination on April 4th of 1968 coming up in the new year. If those statues had not been down in time for the celebration of MLK50 the risk of Riot would have been higher than any responsible city government could accept. They did what they had to do to get those statues down.

There is not much my city government does that I approve of. But getting these statues down by whatever means was a good day for them us and the city whole.


Old bdtex is teetering on the edge of party affiliation and support this morning.

Maybe the buyer can gift the parks back to the city now.


Highly doubtful.

Outside of her methbilly district, she’s a laughingstock.

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Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if that had been the plan all along.