Discussion for article #242906
A rare public remark but a correct one.
Immediate excommunication!!!
Credit where credit is due to a Republican who actually showed good sense, foreign-policy wise, and said a good thing.
Mark this date on your calendars, boys and girls, 'cause this sort of thing doesn’t happen very often.
Is it that Rice has suddenly turned into a filthy America hatin’ godless liberal hippy or has seven years of Right Wing Media relentlessly bashing Obama turned the average conservative voter into an incomprehensible lunatic wimp who shits their pants at the slightest provocation?
Damn Liberals!
I suspect she voted for Obama. I have never heard her bash him once and she spoke kindly of him during the campaign.
Well, it´s nice to hear. All the vile racist Islamophobic crap I´ve been reading about today is getting me down, so good for her.
Yes, but she’s not a real black like Ben Carson, you know. She’s the bad kind of black like Obama or Colin Powell. I know this because Rupert Murdock believes this. And I take all my ideas of the blacks from rich, old white Australian guys.
Thank you Secretary Rice. These Goobernors are playing right into deash’s desired outcome. It’s their dream to see the rest of the world demonize the greater Muslim world and in doing so drive new recruits into their arms.
We must not allow this to happen.
My God, so that’s why BushCo fucked up Iraq so badly—they had a secret Mooslim sympathizer at the Department of State!!
She’ll never wash the blood from her hands.
Condi said the country needs to be “open and welcoming” to refugees and it’s what her husband would recommend as well
Let me guess, all the governors who are refusing to allow Syrian refugees to move to their states are Christians, and this is how they practice the charity that Jesus talked about. If that is the case welcome to hell kids.
I looked out the window and thought I saw pigs flying.
On a more serious note, it will be interesting to see how the conservatives react to Condi’s heresy.
They’ll call her a RINO bitch.
EDIT: And if W was any kind of human being he would speak out against these monsters within his own party and condemn them.
But he won’t.
Guess Susan Rice is now a liberal Democratic coward in Fright-Wing World™.
The detergent has not been made that can wash the blood off your hands, Condi. You threw these clowns the raw meat they needed to batten and fatten and they are still very very hungry.
…yeah, Condi . Since Dick’n’Dub’n’Don Invaded Iraq and destabilized the ME and enhanced the radicalization of Islam. Yeah , the US should accept refugees. I hear there’s a ranch in TX that’s big enough to take a few hundred.
After working for an idiot rube for 8 years, she probably saw Obama as a much needed breath of fresh air.