Discussion for article #222345
It’s an honor to be shunned by a fine school like yours…
Good, it’s about time Bush administration officials felt some heat for destroying the country every way they could. Condoleezza in particular made sure that the Bush administration ignored the warnings from the Clinton administration that terrorism was a looming threat. But Miss “nobody could have anticipated” would not hear of it, so we were unprepared.
Now how about some justice for those who lied us into war with Iraq, found a right to torture in constitution, and those who engineered the economic meltdown that went off a little early so Bush got the blame he deserves rather than it being part of the bag of crap they left for the Obama administration to inherit.
I’m going to withhold criticism of Dr. Rice until I see whether she invites me to play golf with her at Augusta National.
She should be before The Hague along with Bush, Cheney and all those other Neocons for the war crimes they committed!
“…America’s belief in free speech and the exchange of ideas…”
Iraq had nothing to do with 911. People are not free to call truth a lie.
she had “defended America’s belief in free speech and the exchange of ideas.” I guess, if you think lying about YELLOW CAKE and ALUMINUM TUBES should be protect speech.
Maybe I’ve naive, but I don’t understand why someone needs to be paid $35K to make a commencement speech (and presumably receive an honorary degree).
Somewhat separately, apart from her role in inciting us to start a war on false, bogus, concocted pretexts, I’m not sure that someone whose indifference facilitated the attacks on September 11, 2001, during which many people from New Jersey got murdered, deserves any sort of recognition from the state university of New Jersey.
Fuck off Rutgers for inviting her.
In her statement, Rice defended her record, saying that she was honored to serve her country and that she had "defended America's belief in free speech and the exchange of ideas."
In the words of the late, great Leo McKern as Horace Rumpole, “Pull the other one. It’s got bells on it.”
Anyone who voted for or endorsed the Iraq war needs to wear it like an albatross for the rest of their life.
Democrats included.
$35,000 for a one hour speech? A lot of American families get that much in a year. I guess Rutgers is part of the Republican gravy train; do what the 1% wants and you get all kinds of opportunities to “earn” money for doing nothing.
Liar. Fraud. She should be in jail.
Rice bears paramount responsibility for convincing the American people that Saddam was responsible for 9/11 and that he was about to do it again, this time with suitcase nukes. So the voters said, Yeah, invade, so the US military did just that and totally destroyed that country and its infrastructure and killed 100,000 to 200,000 Iraqis. And after the carnage, she and Cheney and Rumsfeld and the rest of those neocon murderers said Iraq is a better place with Saddam gone, which is clearly bullsh*t. Iraq was and remains far worse off. It will take decades to restore this country Bear in mind that this was the same Saddam to whom the US sold chemical weapons to wage his war against Iran. How Rice can go on living as opposed to blowing her brains out is beyond me. Bush I understand. He is basically stupid. Cheney and Rumsfeld I understand. Both are essentially evil. But Rice continues to sell herself as noble and moral. As others have said, the entire crowd belongs in the Hague.
Rice was warned while National “Security” Advisor in July prior to 9/11
by CIA that Bin Laden was determined in strike US. Dubya got similar warning in Aug - neitjer took ANY ACTION, like alerting airports, law enforcement and public and Dubya got same warning - Neither took ANY ACTION, like alerting airports, law enforcement an
warning neither took ANY ACTION! DUH There is a clear pattern here - BUSH was itching to attack Iraq - the result was tragedy!
TENS of thousands were slaughtered and costing us TRILLIONS! TRAGIC!
What bothers me is her phrase construction implies the administration knew there was to be hijacking(s), they just did not know they (the hijackers) would fly aircraft into buildings.
That also explains the subsequent why the extensive aircraft groundings for five days (except for the perpetrator’s main country’s aircraft) to remove those abetting the disaster from our country.
It explains the meth-addled president’s inane comment in the school class, making no sense from a former pilot’s perspective, “that must have been a really bad pilot” - something he heard a lot applied to himself in pilot training - something someone who knew hijackings were afoot might say.
I hope the protests against Ms. Rice, and the rest of W’s cabal, continue for the rest of their miserable lives.
Speaking of Iraq war supporters buying GWB’s BS Hook, LIne, and Sinker!
Take it away Hillary:
Rutgers faculty and students had the right idea. Rice and the rest of the Bush/Cheney clown car should be shunned in polite society wherever they go.
Thank You Rutgers faculty / staff/ students who protested Condi’s appearance.
It’s good to know that the conduct of dick’n’dub’n’rummy’n’condi etal has not gone unnoticed.