Concord Cites Dostoevsky
I guess Animal House was taken.
they just can’t avoid Russian entanglements, can they. It’s like some kind of uncontrollable tic.
Dude looks like a movie villain.
Behold the face of Russian collusion. What a face, only the best.
If they’re going to be quoting the Big D instead of Animal House from now on, I’m not complaining.
That face is E V I L!
Er…they are Russian.
Guy looks like a real charmer.
More jaw-breaking arrogance, while attempting to stick thumbs in the judge’s eye by taking the whole legal proceedings in such an unserious way. Almost like they are playing a game, and gleeful in doing so.
Mueller is “blowing a dog whistle at the feckless media about a completely imaginary effort to undermine the Office of Special Counsel,” wrote Concord attorney Eric Dubelier, affixing a footnote to “media” that contained a quote from Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky.
“[I]t takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently,” the footnote reads.
Concord goes on to biliously belabor the point.
Sounds more like a Fox News yak-yak show host than an attorney. Then again …
Hilarious. Bad Bond villian hilarious.
Hey, it’s nice to know these jokers provide Mueller with a good laugh once in a while. He deserves these breaks for a bit of levity.
Concord can always visit their local FSB office to view the copies they have.
Russian intelligence front organization says what?
Isn’t Eric Dubelier part of the same firm of lawyers that was selling classified information they obtained from Mueller and the FBI to Russian intelligence? Russian intelligence is using Concord Management, Eric Dubelier and Yevgeny Prigozhin as a Trojan Horse to steal classified national security information.
They are playing a game. And it was a gamble for Mueller to indict Concord, but I’m sure that they are well prepared to fight this fight. This is the 3 dimensional chess that gets bandied about.
“It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.”
I appreciate the quote from “Crime and Punishment”.
But in reference to Trump, wouldn’t the obvious Dostoyevsky work be “The Idiot”?
When quoting Crime and Punishment how about,
…If I am guilty, forgive me (though if I’m guilty, I cannot be forgiven).
It’s just the flaunting and taunting they engage in during this game that makes my jaw drop. I know the company doesn’t respect US law or court proceedings, but the lawyers are a US firm - right?
I guess it is a really good exhibit of Trump and his administration are doing to this country - with as much glee.